C# Class Amazon.ElasticBeanstalk.Model.EnvironmentDescription

Describes the properties of an environment.

显示文件 Open project: aws/aws-sdk-net

Private Methods

Method Description
IsSetAbortableOperationInProgress ( ) : bool
IsSetApplicationName ( ) : bool
IsSetCNAME ( ) : bool
IsSetDateCreated ( ) : bool
IsSetDateUpdated ( ) : bool
IsSetDescription ( ) : bool
IsSetEndpointURL ( ) : bool
IsSetEnvironmentId ( ) : bool
IsSetEnvironmentLinks ( ) : bool
IsSetEnvironmentName ( ) : bool
IsSetHealth ( ) : bool
IsSetHealthStatus ( ) : bool
IsSetResources ( ) : bool
IsSetSolutionStackName ( ) : bool
IsSetStatus ( ) : bool
IsSetTemplateName ( ) : bool
IsSetTier ( ) : bool
IsSetVersionLabel ( ) : bool