C# Class AODL.Document.Content.Text.SimpleText

The class SimpleText represent simple unformatted text that could be used within the spreadsheet cell content.
Inheritance: IText, ICloneable
显示文件 Open project: monsterlabs/HumanRightsTracker Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Clone ( ) : object

Create a deep clone of this SimpleText object.

A possible Attached Style wouldn't be cloned!

SimpleText ( IDocument document, string simpleText ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SimpleText class.

Private Methods

Method Description
NewNode ( string simpleText ) : void

News the node.

Method Details

Clone() public method

Create a deep clone of this SimpleText object.
A possible Attached Style wouldn't be cloned!
public Clone ( ) : object
return object

SimpleText() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SimpleText class.
public SimpleText ( IDocument document, string simpleText ) : System
document IDocument The document.
simpleText string The simple text.
return System