C# Class Quest, UnderworldExporter

显示文件 Open project: hankmorgan/UnderworldExporter Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DayGaramonDream int
GaramonDream int
IncenseDream int
QuestVariables int[]
TalismansCastIntoAbyss bool[]
isTybalDead bool

Public Methods

Method Description
getIncenseDream ( ) : int

Gets the next incense dream

Method Details

getIncenseDream() public method

Gets the next incense dream
public getIncenseDream ( ) : int
return int

Property Details

DayGaramonDream public_oe property

Tracks the last day that there was a garamon dream.
public int DayGaramonDream
return int

GaramonDream public_oe property

Tracks which garamon dream we are at.
public int GaramonDream
return int

IncenseDream public_oe property

Tracks which incense dream we are at
public int IncenseDream
return int

QuestVariables public_oe property

The quest variable integers
public int[] QuestVariables
return int[]

TalismansCastIntoAbyss public_oe property

The talismans cast into abyss in order to complete the game.
public bool[] TalismansCastIntoAbyss
return bool[]

isTybalDead public_oe property

Is tybal dead.
public bool isTybalDead
return bool