C# Class MBParticleColorBase, Pharos

Base class for color manipulating parameters
Inheritance: MBParameter
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
AutoFade bool
Colors List
DieOnAlpha bool
FadeIn float
FadeOut float

Public Methods

Method Description
AddColorKey ( float t, Color color ) : ColorKey,

Adds a color key

GetGradientColor ( float t, bool keyonly ) : Color

Gets a color from the gradient

OnBirth ( MBParticle, PT ) : void
OnLifetime ( MBParticle, PT ) : bool
Reset ( ) : void
Validate ( ) : void

Method Details

AddColorKey() public method

Adds a color key
public AddColorKey ( float t, Color color ) : ColorKey,
t float time
color Color the color to set at time t
return ColorKey,

GetGradientColor() public method

Gets a color from the gradient
public GetGradientColor ( float t, bool keyonly ) : Color
t float time
keyonly bool whether only key colors are returned
return Color

OnBirth() public method

public OnBirth ( MBParticle, PT ) : void
PT MBParticle,
return void

OnLifetime() public method

public OnLifetime ( MBParticle, PT ) : bool
PT MBParticle,
return bool

Reset() public method

public Reset ( ) : void
return void

Validate() public method

public Validate ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

AutoFade public_oe property

Whether particles should autofade using FadeIn and FadeOut
public bool AutoFade
return bool

Colors public_oe property

Color keys
public List Colors
return List

DieOnAlpha public_oe property

Whether particles should die automatically when alpha falls below 0
public bool DieOnAlpha
return bool

FadeIn public_oe property

Fade-In time to first key's alpha in percent
public float FadeIn
return float

FadeOut public_oe property

Fade-Out time from last key's alpha to zero in percent
public float FadeOut
return float