C# Class ArrangeActAssert, EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFaultHandling.Core

A base class for tests written in the BDD style that provide standard methods to set up test actions and the "when" statements. "Then" is encapsulated by the [TestMethod]s themselves.
显示文件 Open project: Dixin/EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFaultHandling.Core

Protected Methods

Method Description
Act ( ) : void

When overridden in a derived class, this method is used to perform interactions against the system under test.

This method is called automatically after Arrange and before each test method runs.

Arrange ( ) : void

When overridden in a derived class, this method is used to set up the current state of the specs context.

This method is called automatically before every test, before the Act method.

Teardown ( ) : void

When overridden in a derived class, this method is used to reset the state of the system after a test method has completed.

This method is called automatically after each TestMethod has run.

Private Methods

Method Description
MainSetup ( ) : void
MainTeardown ( ) : void

Method Details

Act() protected method

When overridden in a derived class, this method is used to perform interactions against the system under test.
This method is called automatically after Arrange and before each test method runs.
protected Act ( ) : void
return void

Arrange() protected method

When overridden in a derived class, this method is used to set up the current state of the specs context.
This method is called automatically before every test, before the Act method.
protected Arrange ( ) : void
return void

Teardown() protected method

When overridden in a derived class, this method is used to reset the state of the system after a test method has completed.
This method is called automatically after each TestMethod has run.
protected Teardown ( ) : void
return void