C# (CSharp) org.apache.lucene.analysis.synonym Пространство имен


Имя Описание
SolrSynonymParser Parser for the Solr synonyms format.
  1. Blank lines and lines starting with '#' are comments.
  2. Explicit mappings match any token sequence on the LHS of "=>" and replace with all alternatives on the RHS. These types of mappings ignore the expand parameter in the constructor. Example:
    i-pod, i pod => ipod
  3. Equivalent synonyms may be separated with commas and give no explicit mapping. In this case the mapping behavior will be taken from the expand parameter in the constructor. This allows the same synonym file to be used in different synonym handling strategies. Example:
    ipod, i-pod, i pod
  4. Multiple synonym mapping entries are merged. Example:
    foo => foo bar
    foo => baz

    is equivalent to

    foo => foo bar, baz
SynonymMap A map of synonyms, keys and values are phrases. @lucene.experimental
SynonymMap.Builder Builds an FSTSynonymMap.

Call add() until you have added all the mappings, then call build() to get an FSTSynonymMap @lucene.experimental

SynonymMap.Parser Abstraction for parsing synonym files. @lucene.experimental
WordnetSynonymParser Parser for wordnet prolog format

See http://wordnet.princeton.edu/man/prologdb.5WN.html for a description of the format. @lucene.experimental