C# (CSharp) javazoom.jl.player Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AudioDeviceBase The AudioDeviceBase class provides a simple thread-safe implementation of the AudioDevice interface. Template methods are provided for subclasses to override and in doing so provide the implementation for the main operations of the AudioDevice interface. @since 0.0.8
AudioDeviceFactory An AudioDeviceFactory class is responsible for creating a specific AudioDevice implementation. A factory implementation can be as simple or complex as desired and may support just one implementation or may return several implementations depending upon the execution environment.

When implementing a factory that provides an AudioDevice that uses class that may not be present, the factory should dynamically link to any specific implementation classes required to instantiate or test the audio implementation. This is so that the application as a whole can run without these classes being present. The audio device implementation, however, will usually statically link to the classes required. (See the JavaSound deivce and factory for an example of this.)

FactoryRegistry The FactoryRegistry class stores the factories for all the audio device implementations available in the system.

Instances of this class are thread-safe. @since 0.0.8

JavaSoundAudioDeviceFactory This class is responsible for creating instances of the JavaSoundAudioDevice. The audio device implementation is loaded and tested dynamically as not all systems will have support for JavaSound, or they may have the incorrect version.
NullAudioDevice The NullAudioDevice implements a silent, no-op audio device. This is useful for testing purposes. @since 0.0.8
Player The Player class implements a simple player for playback of an MPEG audio stream.
PlayerApplet A simple applet that plays an MPEG audio file. The URL (relative to the document base) is passed as the "audioURL" parameter.
jlp The jlp class implements a simple command-line player for MPEG audio files. *