C# (CSharp) javazoom.jl.decoder Пространство имен


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BitReserve Implementation of Bit Reservoir for Layer III.

The implementation stores single bits as a word in the buffer. If a bit is set, the corresponding word in the buffer will be non-zero. If a bit is clear, the corresponding word is zero. Although this may seem waseful, this can be a factor of two quicker than packing 8 bits to a byte and extracting.

Bitstream The Bistream class is responsible for parsing an MPEG audio bitstream. * REVIEW: much of the parsing currently occurs in the various decoders. This should be moved into this class and associated inner classes.
BitstreamErrors_Fields This interface describes all error codes that can be thrown in BistreamExceptions.
Crc16 16-Bit CRC checksum
Decoder The Decoder class encapsulates the details of decoding an MPEG audio frame.
Decoder.Params The Params class presents the customizable aspects of the decoder.

Instances of this class are not thread safe.

DecoderException The DecoderException represents the class of errors that can occur when decoding MPEG audio.
Equalizer The Equalizer class can be used to specify equalization settings for the MPEG audio decoder.

The equalizer consists of 32 band-pass filters. Each band of the equalizer can take on a fractional value between -1.0 and +1.0. At -1.0, the input signal is attenuated by 6dB, at +1.0 the signal is amplified by 6dB.

Header Class for extracting information from a frame header. * *
InputStreamSource Work In Progress. An instance of InputStreamSource implements a Source that provides data from an InputStream . Seeking functionality is not supported.
JavaLayerErrors_Fields Exception erorr codes for components of the JavaLayer API.
JavaLayerUtils The JavaLayerUtils class is not strictly part of the JavaLayer API. It serves to provide useful methods and system-wide hooks.
LayerIDecoder Implements decoding of MPEG Audio Layer I frames.
LayerIDecoder.Subband Abstract base class for subband classes of layer I and II
LayerIDecoder.SubbandLayer1 Class for layer I subbands in single channel mode. Used for single channel mode and in derived class for intensity stereo mode
LayerIDecoder.SubbandLayer1IntensityStereo Class for layer I subbands in joint stereo mode.
LayerIDecoder.SubbandLayer1Stereo Class for layer I subbands in stereo mode.
LayerIIDecoder Implements decoding of MPEG Audio Layer II frames.
LayerIIDecoder.SubbandLayer2 Class for layer II subbands in single channel mode.
LayerIIDecoder.SubbandLayer2IntensityStereo Class for layer II subbands in joint stereo mode.
LayerIIDecoder.SubbandLayer2Stereo Class for layer II subbands in stereo mode.
LayerIIIDecoder Class Implementing Layer 3 Decoder. * @since 0.0
LayerIIIDecoder.SBI ********************************************************
LayerIIIDecoder.Sftable ***********************************************************
Manager Work in progress. Manages a number of controls.
Obuffer Base Class for audio output.
OutputChannels A Type-safe representation of the the supported output channel constants. This class is immutable and, hence, is thread safe.
SampleBuffer The SampleBuffer class implements an output buffer that provides storage for a fixed size block of samples.
Source_Fields Work in progress. Class to describe a seekable data source.
SynthesisFilter A class for the synthesis filter bank. This class does a fast downsampling from 32, 44.1 or 48 kHz to 8 kHz, if ULAW is defined. Frequencies above 4 kHz are removed by ignoring higher subbands.
huffcodetab Class to implements Huffman decoder.