C# (CSharp) iTextSharp.xmp.options Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AliasOptions Options for XMPSchemaRegistryImpl#registerAlias. @since 20.02.2006
IteratorOptions Options for XMPIterator construction. @since 24.01.2006
ParseOptions Options for XmpMetaFactory.Parse(System.IO.Stream, ParseOptions). @since 24.01.2006
PropertyOptions The property flags are used when properties are fetched from the XMPMeta-object and provide more detailed information about the property. @since 03.07.2006
SerializeOptions Options for XmpMetaFactory.SerializeToBuffer(IXmpMeta, SerializeOptions). @since 24.01.2006
XmpOptions The base class for a collection of 32 flag bits. Individual flags are defined as enum value bit masks. Inheriting classes add convenience accessor methods. @since 24.01.2006