C# (CSharp) com.clover.remotepay.sdk Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
AuthRequest This request should be used for Auth only, but is backward compatible for older implementations. If you are currently using an AuthRequest with IsPreAuth = true, please change your code to use PreAuthRequest/PreAuthResponse for all PreAuth transactions.
CapturePreAuthRequest This request should be used for capturing payments obtained from a PreAuth response
CapturePreAuthResponse Object passed in to OnCapturePreAuthResponse
CloseoutRequest This request should be passed in to make a closeout request
CloseoutResponse Object passed in to OnCloseoutResponse
DefaultCloverConnectorListener This is a default implementation of the ICloverConnectorListener that can be used for quickly creating example applications by simply overriding the appropriate listener method(s) needed for testing a particular remote call.
DeviceInfo Contains the device information of the connected device
DisplayPaymentReceiptOptionsRequest The request used to show the receipt options screen
ExternalIDUtil Used for generating a unique string of the length specified
ManualRefundRequest This should be used to request a manual refund via the ManualRefund method
ManualRefundResponse The object passed in to OnManualRefundResponse
PreAuthRequest This request should be used for PreAuth transactions. If you are currently using an AuthRequest with IsPreAuth = true, please change your code to use PreAuthRequest/PreAuthResponse for all PreAuth transactions.
RefundPaymentRequest This request should be used to make a payment request using the RefundPayment method
RefundPaymentResponse Object passed in to OnRefundPaymentResponse
SDKInfo Descriptive information about this SDK
SaleRequest This request should be used for a Sale call.
TipAdded Pased in to OnTipAdded, when an on-screen tip is selected
TipAdjustAuthRequest This request should be used to make a request to adjust the tip amount on a payment obtained from an Auth request or payment after a CapturePreAuth request
TipAdjustAuthResponse Object passed in to OnTipAdjustAuthResponse
VaultCardResponse Object passed in to an OnVaultCardResponse
VerifySignatureRequest Object passed in to VerifySignatureRequest. This must also be used to either accept or reject a signature as requested from the clover device.
VoidPaymentRequest Object passed in to request the voiding of a payment
VoidPaymentResponse Object passed in to OnVoidPaymentResopnse