C# (CSharp) ZForge.Controls.XPTable.Events Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CellButtonEventArgs Provides data for the CellButtonClicked event of a Table
CellCheckBoxEventArgs Provides data for the CellCheckChanged event of a Table
CellEditEventArgs Provides data for the BeginEdit, StopEdit and CancelEdit events of a Table
CellEventArgs Provides data for a Cell's PropertyChanged event
CellEventArgsBase Base class for classes containing Cell event data
CellFocusEventArgs Provides data for the CellGotFocus and CellLostFocus events of a Table
CellKeyEventArgs Provides data for the CellKeyDown and CellKeyUp events of a Table
CellMouseEventArgs Provides data for the CellMouseEnter, CellMouseLeave, CellMouseDown, CellMouseUp and CellMouseMove events of a Table
ColumnEventArgs Provides data for a Column's PropertyChanged event, or a Table's BeginSort and EndSort events
ColumnModelEventArgs Provides data for a ColumnModel's ColumnAdded, ColumnRemoved, and HeaderHeightChanged events
HeaderMouseEventArgs Provides data for the HeaderMouseEnter, HeaderMouseLeave, HeaderMouseDown, HeaderMouseUp, HeaderMouseMove, HeaderClick and HeaderDoubleClick events of a Table
PaintCellEventArgs Provides data for the PaintCell event
PaintHeaderEventArgs Provides data for the PaintHeader event
RowEventArgs Provides data for a Row's PropertyChanged, CellAdded and CellRemoved events
SelectionEventArgs Provides data for a TableModel's SelectionChanged event
TableEventArgs Provides data for a Tables's PropertyChanged event
TableModelEventArgs Provides data for a TableModel's RowAdded and RowRemoved events