C# (CSharp) XnaFlixel Пространство имен

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FlxButton A simple button class that calls a function when clicked by the mouse. Supports labels, highlight states, and parallax scrolling.
FlxEmitter FlxEmitter is a lightweight particle emitter. It can be used for one-time explosions or for continuous fx like rain and fire. FlxEmitter is not optimized or anything; all it does is launch FlxSprite objects out at set intervals by setting their positions and velocities accordingly. It is easy to use and relatively efficient, since it automatically redelays its sprites and/or kills them once they've been launched.
FlxG This is a global helper class full of useful functions for audio, input, basic info, and the camera system among other things.
FlxMonitor FlxMonitor is a simple class that aggregates and averages data. Flixel uses this to display the framerate and profiling data in the developer console. It's nice for keeping track of things that might be changing too fast from frame to frame.
FlxTilemap This is a traditional tilemap display and collision class. It takes a string of comma-separated numbers and then associates those values with tiles from the sheet you pass in. It also includes some handy static parsers that can convert arrays or PNG files into strings that can be successfully loaded.