C# (CSharp) Westwind.MessageQueueing Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
ControllerConfiguration Indidual Controller Configuration Item in a multi-controller configuration.
QueueController This class is a Server Controller that can be run by a Host process to handle processing of message requests in Windows Forms/Service applications. It provides a multi-threaded server process that fires events when messages arrive in the queue and are completed. A client application can simply drop this component into the app and attach to the events provdided here.
QueueMessageManager An implementation of a SQL based multi-access Queue that provides random acccess to requests so they can be retrived for long running tasks where both client and server can interact with each message for processing. Great for long running tasks or even light workflow scenarios.
QueueMessageManagerMongoDb An implementation of a MongoDb based multi-access Queue that provides random acccess to requests so they can be retrived for long running tasks where both client and server can interact with each message for processing. This implementation uses purely MongoDb server data access to handle the queue which works well for low to high volume loads. Great for long running tasks or even light workflow scenarios.
QueueMessageManagerSqlMsMq An implementation of a combination of SQL Server and MSMQ to handle two messaging via random acccess to messages so they can be retrived for long running tasks where both client and server can interact with each message for processing. This implementation uses SQL server for the actual data storage and MSMQ to handle the message de-queuing by storing IDs in MSMQ. MSMQ allows much greater throughput for dequeuing message ids when polled frequently. Great for long running tasks or even light workflow scenarios.
Scheduler A generic scheduling service that runs on a background thread and fires events in a given check frequency
SchedulerItem A simple item wrapper that allows separating items by type.