C# (CSharp) Westwind.Globalization Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
DbRes Helper class that handles access to the DbResourceManager more easily with single method access. The T() method provides an easy way to embed resources into applications using the resource key. Also allows for resource reading, writing (new and updates transparently), deleting and clearing of resources from memory. This class uses the DbResourceManager class to access resources and still uses the standard ResourceManager infrastructure of .NET to cache resources efficiently in memory. Data access occurs only on intial access of each resource set/locale.
DbResXConverter This class can be used to export resources from the database to ASP.NET compatible resources (Resx). This class takes all the resources in the database and creates RESX files that match these resources. Please note that it will overrwrite any existing resource files if they already exist, so please use this class with care if you have existing ResX resources. Note this class is primarily ASP.NET specific in that it looks at ASP.NET specific directory structures for ResX imports and strongly typed resource creation.
DbResourceConfiguration The configuration class that is used to configure the Resource Provider. This class contains various configuration settings that the provider requires to operate both at design time and runtime. The application uses the static Current property to access the actual configuration settings object. By default it reads the configuration settings from web.config (at runtime). You can override this behavior by creating your own configuration object and assigning it to the DbResourceConfiguration.Current property.
FileInfoFormat Internal structure that contains format information about a file resource. Used internally to figure out how to write a resource into the database
ResourceIdItem Short form ResourceItem for passing Ids
StronglyTypedResources Class that handles generating strongly typed resources for global Web resource files. This feature is not supported in ASP.NET stock projects and doesn't support custom resource providers in WAP.
TranslationServices Provides basic translation features via several Web interfaces NOTE: These services may change their format or otherwise fail.