C# (CSharp) WebMarkupMin.AspNet4.WebForms Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
CompressedMasterPage Master page with support of HTTP compression
CompressedPage Web Forms page with support of HTTP compression
MinifiedAndCompressedHtmlMasterPage Master page with support of HTML minification and HTTP compression
MinifiedAndCompressedMasterPageBase Base class of master page with support of markup minification and HTTP compression
MinifiedAndCompressedPageBase Base class of Web Forms page with support of markup minification and HTTP compression
MinifiedAndCompressedXhtmlMasterPage Master page with support of XHTML minification and HTTP compression
MinifiedAndCompressedXhtmlPage Web Forms page with support of XHTML minification and HTTP compression
MinifiedHtmlMasterPage Master page with support of HTML minification
MinifiedHtmlPage Web Forms page with support of HTML minification
MinifiedMasterPageBase Base class of master page with support of markup minification
MinifiedPageBase Base class of Web Forms page with support of markup minification
MinifiedXhtmlMasterPage Master page with support of XHTML minification
MinifiedXhtmlPage Web Forms page with support of XHTML minification