C# (CSharp) WPFLocalizeExtension.Providers Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CSVEmbeddedLocalizationProvider A singleton CSV provider that uses attached properties and the Parent property to iterate through the visual tree.
CSVLocalizationProvider A singleton CSV provider that uses attached properties and the Parent property to iterate through the visual tree.
CSVLocalizationProviderBase The base for CSV file providers.
FQAssemblyDictionaryKey A class that bundles the key, assembly and dictionary information.
ProviderChangedEventArgs Events arguments for a ProviderChangedEventHandler.
ProviderErrorEventArgs Events arguments for a ProviderErrorEventHandler.
ResxLocalizationProvider A singleton RESX provider that uses attached properties and the Parent property to iterate through the visual tree.
ResxLocalizationProviderBase The base for RESX file providers.
ValueChangedEventArgs Events arguments for a ValueChangedEventHandler.