C# (CSharp) W3c.Ddr.Exceptions Пространство имен


Имя Описание
DDRException It is the superclass of all DDR Simple API exceptions other than SystemException. Implementations should raise subclasses of DDRException, they should not raise this exception directly.
InitializationException This is a subclass of DDRException and represents an error during the initialization phase of the Simple API. It is thrown only by the initialize method of the Service interface and the newService method of the ServiceFactory class.
NameException This is a subclass of DDRException and is thrown when it is detected that the name of a Property or Aspect or vocabulary IRI is in error. The exception code, when set, indicates the nature of the error. A name of a Property or Aspect or a vocabulary IRI are in error when they are not syntactically valid or are not supported by the implementation.
SystemException This exception, a subclass of System.Exception, Is thrown by DDR Simple API implementations when they encounter unrecoverable errors.
ValueException This is a subclass of DDRException and is thrown when an error is detected during an attempt to retrieve the value of a Property using one of the value accessor methods of the PropertyValue class. The exception code indicates the nature of the error.