C# (CSharp) VersionOne.ServiceHost.QualityCenterServices Пространство имен

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Имя Описание
QualityCenterClient This class encapsulates the QualityCenter COM library. No other classes should directly use the COM library It does *not* know about the EventManager, or any event objects specific to ServiceHost The only knowledge it has of ServiceHost is use of a couple utility classes in ServiceHost.Core.Utility
QualityCenterHostedService Wraps the QualityCenterUpdaterService and QualityCenterReaderService, which use the same Configuration
QualityCenterReaderService At the configured Interval, publishes events for: updating Tests in V1 from Quality Center Test Runs creating new Defects in V1 from Quality Center Defects asking V1 to check for Closed Defects that have a Source of Quality Center
QualityCenterReaderUpdater This class knows about WorkitemServices and TestServices event objects and encapsulates the QualityCenterClient It creates the necessary event objects and object collections that eventually get published It does *not* know about the EventManager or the QualityCenter COM library It does *not* publish events directly or subscribe to events directly
QualityCenterUpdaterService Handles events for: creating tests int Quality Center updating Quality Center after pushing a Defect to V1 updating Quality Center after a Defect is closed in V1 Publishes events for: notifying V1 that a Test was (or wasn't) successfully created in Quality Center