Имя |
Описание |
A2 |
AlbumTest |
AppDelegate |
AppendBookmark |
Application |
ArgumentExceptionTests |
ArgumentsTests |
ArrayBufferTests |
ArticleTests |
ArticlesInheritanceRelationships |
ArtistTest |
AutoKeyTest |
AutoNSubstituteDataAttribute |
BaseTestFixture |
BasicTests |
BigIntegerTests |
BinarySearchTest |
BoldTitleTests |
BooleanTests |
BufferedReadStreamTests |
BufferedReadStreamTests.UnreadableStream |
ByteFormatTests |
CALogTests |
CacheTests |
CategoryTests |
CeaserTest |
CiteTemplateDatesTests |
CitiesTests |
Class1 |
ClientConfigTests |
CodeBuilderTester |
CodeGenerationTests |
ConcatKDFTest |
ConcurrencyTests |
ConfigurationHelper |
ConfigurationTest |
ConnectedComponentLabelingTest |
Constants |
ConstructorTests |
ContentDispositionTests |
ConversionTests |
ConverterTests |
CoqtopXmlReader |
CreateCommentTests |
CustomTags |
CustomVariableTests |
DataDictionaryTests |
DataViewTests |
DateTests |
DateTimeFormatTests |
DecimalFormatTests |
DiffTests |
DistinctTests |
DkimTests |
DkimTests.DummyPublicKeyLocator |
DocumentationSamples |
DocumentationSamples.AppInfo |
DocumentationSamples.Math2 |
DocumentationSamples.RandomConstructor |
DocumentationSamples.RandomInstance |
DomainReportTests |
DynamicMetaObjectTests |
DynamicMetaObjectTests.DynamicMetaObjectWrapper |
DynamicRegexTests |
EinfacheScorecardTest |
EinfacherInterpreterTest |
EncodeBitmap |
EncoderTests |
EncryptionTests |
EnvelopeTests |
EnvironmentTests |
ErrorTests |
EventTests |
ExposableEventExtensionMethods |
ExposedVariableTests |
ExternalFileUnitTests |
FieldMapTests |
FieldTests |
FileReportTests |
FileRescanTests |
FileScanTests |
FindAndReplaceTests |
FixCitationTemplatesTests |
FixMainArticleTests |
FixNonBreakingSpacesTests |
FixSyntaxTests |
FootnotesTests |
Form1 |
FormattingTests |
ForwardOnlyStream |
FunctionTests |
GatewayTests |
GdbClientTests |
GdbSessionManagerTests |
GdbStreamTests |
GdbTestingBase |
GenMessageTests |
GeneralTests |
GenfixesTests |
GenfixesTestsBase |
GherkinScenarioTests |
GlobalTests |
GoogleIntegrationTests |
HabitModelTest |
HideTextTests |
HillTest |
HtmlAttributeTests |
HtmlEntityDecoderTests |
HtmlResultTests |
HtmlTokenizerTests |
HtmlUtilsTests |
HtmlWriterTests |
HumanCatKeyTests |
ImageTests |
InTemplateRuleTests |
InlineAutoNSubstituteDataAttribute |
InlineAutoNSubstituteMemberDataAttribute |
This attribute allows for combining multiple lists of complex input parameters for an xUnit [Theory] while still supporting everything that the [InlineAutoNSubstituteData] attribute supports. For details about how lists can be used to provide complex input parameters for xUnit theories, read up on xUnit's [MemberData] attribute Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/28767887/1999165 |
InsertAtBookmark |
IntegerFormatTests |
InternetAddressListTests |
JSONTests |
JsPropertyTests |
JsPropertyTests.ClassWithAnonymousProperty |
JsPropertyTests.ClassWithPrivateSetter |
JsPropertyTests.ClassWithProperty |
LexerTests |
LinkTests |
ListBoxArticleTests |
ListComparerTests |
ListMakerTests |
LongFormatTests |
MOSTests |
MapTests |
MathTests |
MediaLibraryTest |
MemoryStoreTests |
MergeTest |
MessageDispositionNotificiationTests |
MessagePartialTests |
MessageSortingTests |
MessageTests |
MessageThreadingTests |
MimeParserTests |
MimePartTests |
Misc |
MiscTests |
MockFieldMap |
MockSkipOptions |
MonoalphabeticTest |
MultipleIssuesNewTests |
NamedObjectSaveTests |
NamespaceFunctions |
NamespaceTests |
NetQueueTests |
NetworkClient |
NumberTests |
OODSSTests |
ObjectPoolTests |
ObjectTests |
ObserverCollectionTests |
OrderByTests |
OtherParserTests |
OverallInitializer |
PacketTests |
PacketTypesTest |
PageBehaviorTests |
PageModelTests |
ParameterizedObjectPoolTests |
ParsedNamespaceTests |
ParserTest |
ParserTests |
PerformanceTests |
PerformanceTests.MyClass |
PerformanceTests.MyClassWithSmallClasses |
PerformanceTests.MyClassWithSmallStructs |
PerformanceTests.MyStruct |
PersonDataTests |
PlayFairTest |
PluginTests |
PrefixCollectionTest |
PresentationTests |
Program |
ProjectTests |
PromiseTests |
PropertyOmitter |
RTTPMDataTest |
RailFenceTest |
ReadWriteTests |
RealWorldTests |
RecategorizerTests |
RecursionManagerTests |
ReflectTests |
RegExTest |
RegExpTests |
RegexAssert |
RegexTests |
RegexTestsBase |
This is the base class for every regex test. It contains helper functions that simplify checks. |
RegisterManagerTests |
RequiresInitialization |
This class must be inherited by test fixtures that use most parts of WikiFunctions. It ensures that WikiFunctions is aware that it's being called from unit tests, and that global data is initialised. |
RequiresParser |
RequiresParser2 |
ResponseFake |
RetfTests |
RewindTests |
RgbaImage |
RowTranspositionTest |
SByteFormatTests |
SPDisplayObjectContainerTests |
SPDisplayObjectTests |
SPImageTests |
SPMatrixTests |
SPPointTests |
SPQuadTests |
SPRectangleTests |
SPTextFieldTests |
SPTextureTests |
ScheduleTest |
ScriptEngineTests |
ScriptEngineTests.CustomObjectInstance |
ScriptEngineTests.InheritedObjectInstance1 |
ScriptEngineTests.InheritedObjectInstance2 |
ScriptEngineTests.TestClass |
ScriptEngineTests.TestInstance |
ScriptEngineTests.TestInstance2 |
ScriptEngineTests.TestPropertyMarshalObj |
ScriptEngineTests.TestScriptSource |
ScriptEngineTests.TestScriptSource.TestReader |
ScriptEngineTests.TestStruct |
SelectTests |
SemanticOperationTests |
ServerTest |
SessionFactoryTest |
SessionStateTest |
SessionTests |
SetTests |
SetUpFixture |
SettingsTest |
ShortFormatTests |
Signals |
SorterTests |
StateSaveCategoryTests |
StateTests |
StatementTests |
StringTests |
SubstTemplates |
SummaryTests |
SymbolTests |
SysbusExtensions |
SystemBusTests |
SystemBusTests.MultiRegistrationPeripheral |
TCAPIFixture |
TDElementTest |
TaggerTests |
TalkGenfixesTests |
TalkHeaderTests |
TemplateTests |
Test |
Test.EmailValidationTarget |
Test.InternationalEmailValidationTarget |
TestBase |
Base tests class with common init methods |
TestCRUDAllButUser |
TestCase |
TestCases |
TestClass |
TestCollectionCapableDeepLinkParser |
TestDeepLinkParser |
TestEvents |
TestEvents.Counter |
TestExtensions |
TestHelper |
TODO: Update summary. |
TestMiniUserCRUDAsAdmin |
TestMiniUserCRUDAsGuest |
TestMiniUserCRUDAsUser |
TestPicker |
TestProject |
TestRelations |
TestSimpleTypes |
TestSimpleTypes.ValueTypes |
TestSuite |
Tests |
TextConverterTests |
TextPartTests |
Tiff2Pdf |
TikoContainerTest |
ToolsTests |
TrackTest |
TrackerTest |
Transparency |
TypeComparerTests |
TypeConverterTests |
TypeFormatterTests |
TypeInferenceTests |
TypedArrayTests |
TypoList |
UIntegerFormatTests |
ULongFormatTests |
UShortFormatTests |
UnicodifyTests |
UniqueIdRangeTests |
UniqueIdSetTests |
UnitTest1 |
UnitTestAppDelegate |
UnitTests |
UnitTests.TestableDOH |
UrlBuilderTests |
UrlReportTests |
UrlScanTests |
UtilityFunctionTests |
VelocityDB |
VigenereTest |
VstpTests |
WeakMapTests |
WeakSetTests |
WhereTests |
aa_TestLoginLogout |