C# (CSharp) TweetWall Пространство имен

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Apple2 Class for handling communications with Apple II.

The physical interface uses an FTDI USB cable running in bitbang mode to drive 3 lines connected to TTL button inputs on the Apple II game connector.

The 3 lines are used to implement an SPI protocol. 2 of the lines are standard DATA and CLK signals and the 3rd (ATTN) is used for framing the start of a command sequence.

The Apple II code is contained in the file TwitterII.m65

Apple2TweetDisplay This converts a tweet to Apple II format and sends to the Apple II. There's some pretty rough code here that was hacked up over a weekend.
TwitterProvider Data source provider for Twitter data. Some of the methods require you to authenticate with Twitter. For testing the unauthenticated methods will work fine, but you'll eventually want your own personal timeline.

To get authentication working, you'll need to do the following steps: 1. Register a new application at http://dev.twitter.com/apps/new For Application type, select "Client" which means you do not need to provide a callback URL. I selected Read&Write access, but Read may be sufficient. 2. Go to http://dev.twitter.com/apps and select the newly created application to get access to the authentication keys. On this page under "OAuth 1.0a Settings" you will see a "Consumer key" and a "Consumer secret" that identifies your application. Copy these to the ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret fields below. 3. On the right side of the page is a link to view "My access token" Click this link. This gives you the access token for your Twitter account. Copy these values into the AccessToken and AccessTokenSecret fields below You should now be ready to use the authenticated queries.

WallItem Encapsulates a single tweet pulled from Twitter to be displayed on the Apple II.