C# (CSharp) Tortuga.Chain.AuditRules Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AuditRule Base class for all audit rules.
ColumnRule This is the base class for rules that affect a single column.
DateTimeOffsetRule Applies the current DateTimeOffset value to the indicated column.
DateTimeRule Applies the current DateTime value to the indicated column.
RestrictColumn This rule is used to prevent users from reading or updating a column
SoftDeleteRule If a column matching this rule is found, then soft deletes will be applied instead of hard deletes.
UserDataRule This is a rule that overrides argument values with data on the user object.
ValidateWithDataErrorInfo When this rule is in effect, objects that implement IDataErrorInfo will be checked.
ValidateWithNotifyDataErrorInfo When this rule is in effect, objects that implement INotifyDataErrorInfo will be checked.
ValidationRule Base class for validation style rules.
ValueRule Applies the indicated value to the column, overriding any previously applied value.