C# (CSharp) Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Tokens Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AccessSecurityToken Simple security token for access scenarios with expiration.
AccessSecurityTokenHandler SecurityTokenHandler for AccessSecurityToken
ClientSaml11SecurityTokenHandlerBase Base class for a security token handler for client generated SAML tokens.
ClientSamlHttpBinding Custom binding for client generated bearer SAML tokens
CompressedSecurityToken This class represents a compressed security token
CompressedSecurityTokenHandler Security token handler that adds a compression aspect to the token handler pipeline. Similar to the encryption aspect of EncryptedSecurityTokenHandler.
GenericUserNameSecurityTokenHandler Generic security token handler for username/password type credentials
SamlClientCredentials A specialized WCF client credentials implementation that allows direct setting of SAML tokens.
SamlSecurityTokenManager Security token manager for the SAML client credentials
SamlSecurityTokenProvider A security token provider for the SAML client credentials.
TestIssuerNameRegistry Simple implementation of an issuer registy that returns the certificate issuer name or public key hash as an issuer