Имя |
Описание |
Assert |
The Assert class extends the NUnit.Framework.Assert to make it aware of Nullable{T} values. When the value is null, it means the Act part of the test has not been run. |
ContextSpecificationBase |
ExceptionEnlightenment |
The default exception enlightenment, which will use ExceptionDispatchInfo if possible, falling back on Exception.PrepForRemoting , with a final fallback on P:System.Exception.Data. |
IssueAttribute |
MockNotVerifiedException |
Exception thrown when a setup for a mock is detected which has not been verified. |
PrerequisiteFailureException |
PropertyAlreadyInitializedException |
Exception is thrown when code tries to call the get method on a property which has not been set |
PropertyNotInitializedException |
Exception is thrown when code tries to call the get method on a property which has not been set |
TaskExtensions |
TestCategories |
The test categories (used in CategoryAttribute ). |
TestComparers |
A set of comparers which are useful for test scenarios (e.g. CollectionAssert). |
TestComparers.ReferenceEqualityComparer |
An IComparer implementation which compares objects based on reference identity. |
TestConcurrencyAbstractionLayer |
Test version of the IConcurrencyAbstractionLayer service, which relies on virtual time rather than on real timers and System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(int). It leverages the Microsoft.Reactive.Testing.TestScheduler used in a test fixture in order to schedule all events in the same container. |
TestFixtureSetupAttributeBase |
The base type for an attribute denoting a test fixture requiring setup/teardown notifications. |
TplContextAspect |
TplTestHelper |
Allows access to the test TaskScheduler associated with the current test fixture. |
TplTestPlatformHelper |
Contains test implementations for TPL schedulers. |
TplTestPlatformHelper.InvalidTaskScheduler |
Provides a task scheduler which informs the developer that the tests are not running in a TPL-enabled test fixture. |
TplTestPlatformHelper.TestTaskScheduler |
Provides a task scheduler that runs tasks only on the current thread, and records the order in which Tasks were queued using QueueTask. |