C# (CSharp) Tailspin.Surveys.Web.Security Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AdalCredential This class is needed as a workaround for the design of the ADAL credentials
AuthenticationException Exception occurs when token in TokenCache is expired/ missing.
BaseControlContextExtensions Extension methods for the ASP.NET BaseControlCOntext.
CertificateCredentialService Creates and caches the ADAL ClientAssertionCertificate This class exists for performance reasons when using certificates with ADAL It read certs from the store once and export it to a byte array representation and creates the ClientAssertionCertificate only once.
ClientCredentialService Creates and caches an instance of Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredential.
SurveysTokenService This service helps with the acquisition of access tokens from Azure Active Directory.