Имя |
Описание |
AddingNewEventArgs |
Provides data for an event that signals the adding of a new object to a list, allowing any event handler to supply the new object. If no event handler supplies a new object to use, the list should create one itself. |
AmbientValueAttribute |
ArrayConverter |
ArrayConverter.ArrayPropertyDescriptor |
ArraySubsetEnumerator |
Async |
Represents an asynchronous result and the associated task that produces the result. |
AsyncCompletedEventArgs |
AsyncOperation |
AsyncOperationManager |
AttributeCollection |
AttributeCollection.AttributeEntry |
AttributeProviderAttribute |
BackgroundWorker |
BackgroundWorker.BackgroundWorker |
BaseNumberConverter |
BindableAttribute |
BooleanConverter |
BrowsableAttribute |
ByteConverter |
CancelEventArgs |
CategoryAttribute |
CategoryResourceAttribute |
CharConverter |
CollectionChangeEventArgs |
CollectionConverter |
CompModSwitches |
ComplexBindingPropertiesAttribute |
Component |
ComponentCollection |
ComponentConverter |
ComponentEditor |
ComponentResourceManager |
The ComponentResourceManager is a resource manager object that provides simple functionality for enumerating resources for a component or object. |
Container |
Container class: encapsulates components. |
Container.Site |
ContainerFilterService |
CoreSwitches |
CultureInfoConverter |
CultureInfoConverter.CultureComparer |
CustomTypeDescriptor |
DataObjectAttribute |
DataObjectFieldAttribute |
DataObjectMethodAttribute |
DateTimeConverter |
DateTimeOffsetConverter |
DebugExtendedPropertyDescriptor |
DebugReflectEventDescriptor |
DebugReflectPropertyDescriptor |
DebugTypeDescriptor |
DebugTypeDescriptor.ComponentEntry |
DebugTypeDescriptor.ComponentEntry.MemberList |
DebugTypeDescriptor.ComponentEntry.PropertyStash |
DebugTypeDescriptor.MemberDescriptorComparer |
DecimalConverter |
DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute |
DefaultEventAttribute |
DefaultPropertyAttribute |
DefaultValueAttribute |
DelegatePropertyDescriptor |
DelegatingTypeDescriptionProvider |
DependencyAttribute |
DescriptionAttribute |
DescriptionResourceAttribute |
DesignOnlyAttribute |
DesignTimeVisibleAttribute |
DesignerAttribute |
DesignerCategoryAttribute |
DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute |
DisplayNameAttribute |
DisplayNameResourceAttribute |
DoWorkEventArgs |
DoubleConverter |
EditorAttribute |
EditorBrowsableAttribute |
EnumConverter |
EventDescriptorCollection |
EventHandlerList |
EventHandlerList.ListEntry |
ExpandableObjectConverter |
ExtendedPropertyDescriptor |
This class wraps an PropertyDescriptor with something that looks like a property. It allows you to treat extended properties the same as regular properties. |
ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute |
GuidConverter |
Provides a type converter to convert globally unique identifier objects to and from various other representations. |
HandledEventArgs |
ImmutableObjectAttribute |
InheritanceAttribute |
InitializationEventAttribute |
InstallerTypeAttribute |
InstanceCreationEditor |
Int32Converter |
Int64Converter |
IntSecurity |
InvalidAsynchronousStateException |
InvalidEnumArgumentException |
LicenseException |
LicenseManager |
LicenseManager.LicenseInteropHelper |
LicenseManager.LicenseInteropHelper.CLRLicenseContext |
LicenseProvider |
ListBindableAttribute |
ListChangedEventArgs |
ListSortDescription |
ListSortDescriptionCollection |
LocalizableAttribute |
LookupBindingPropertiesAttribute |
MarshalByValueComponent |
MaskedTextProvider |
Provides functionality for formatting a test string against a mask string. MaskedTextProvider is stateful, it keeps information about the input characters so multiple call to Add/Remove will work in the same buffer. Most of the operations are performed on a virtual string containing the input characters as opposed to the test string itself, since mask literals cannot be modified (i.e: replacing on a literal position will actually replace on the nearest edit position forward). |
MaskedTextProvider.CharDescriptor |
This structure describes some constraints and properties of a character in the test string, as specified in the mask. |
MaskedTextProvider.EditPosition |
MemberDescriptor |
MergablePropertyAttribute |
MultilineStringConverter |
MvcEditorModel |
Mvc editor model. |
NestedContainer |
NestedContainer.Site |
NotifyParentPropertyAttribute |
NullableConverter |
PageChangingEventArgs |
ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute |
PasswordPropertyTextAttribute |
ProgressChangedEventArgs |
PropertyChangedEventArgs |
PropertyChangingEventArgs |
PropertyDescriptor |
PropertyDescriptorCollection |
PropertyDescriptorCollection.PropertyDescriptorEnumerator |
PropertyTabAttribute |
ProvidePropertyAttribute |
ReadOnlyAttribute |
RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute |
ReferenceConverter |
ReferenceConverter.ReferenceComparer |
IComparer object used for sorting references |
ReflectEventDescriptor |
ReflectPropertyDescriptor |
ReflectPropertyDescriptor defines a property. Properties are the main way that a user can set up the state of a component. The ReflectPropertyDescriptor class takes a component class that the property lives on, a property name, the type of the property, and various attributes for the property. For a property named XXX of type YYY, the associated component class is required to implement two methods of the following form: public YYY GetXXX(); public void SetXXX(YYY value); The component class can optionally implement two additional methods of the following form: public boolean ShouldSerializeXXX(); public void ResetXXX(); These methods deal with a property's default value. The ShouldSerializeXXX() method returns true if the current value of the XXX property is different than it's default value, so that it should be persisted out. The ResetXXX() method resets the XXX property to its default value. If the ReflectPropertyDescriptor includes the default value of the property (using the DefaultValueAttribute), the ShouldSerializeXXX() and ResetXXX() methods are ignored. If the ReflectPropertyDescriptor includes a reference to an editor then that value editor will be used to edit the property. Otherwise, a system-provided editor will be used. Various attributes can be passed to the ReflectPropertyDescriptor, as are described in Attribute. ReflectPropertyDescriptors can be obtained by a user programmatically through the ComponentManager. |
ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider |
ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.ReflectedTypeData |
RefreshEventArgs |
RefreshPropertiesAttribute |
RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs |
SByteConverter |
ScriptExpression |
Represents a simple script-like expression consisting of at most one assignment expression (optional), and at most one method expression (also optional), whose parameters are simple property.subproperty paths or a single property.subproperty lookup. |
ScriptExpression.LiteralExpression |
ScriptExpression.MethodCallExpression |
ScriptExpression.PropertyAccessExpression |
ServiceAttribute |
SettingsBindableAttribute |
SingleConverter |
StringConverter |
SyntaxCheck |
TimeSpanConverter |
Provides a type converter to convert objects to and from various other representations. |
ToolboxItemAttribute |
ToolboxItemFilterAttribute |
TypeConverter |
TypeConverter.SimplePropertyDescriptor |
TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection |
TypeConverterAttribute |
TypeDescriptionProvider |
TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute |
TypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.AttributeFilterCacheItem |
TypeDescriptor.AttributeProvider |
TypeDescriptor.AttributeProvider.AttributeTypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.ComNativeDescriptionProvider |
TypeDescriptor.ComNativeDescriptionProvider.ComNativeTypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.FilterCacheItem |
TypeDescriptor.MemberDescriptorComparer |
TypeDescriptor.MergedTypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.TypeDescriptionNode |
TypeDescriptor.TypeDescriptionNode.DefaultExtendedTypeDescriptor |
TypeDescriptor.TypeDescriptionNode.DefaultTypeDescriptor |
TypeListConverter |
Provides a type converter that can be used to populate a list box with available types. |
TypeTypeConverter |
Converts between Type and String. |
UInt16Converter |
UInt32Converter |
UInt64Converter |
WarningException |
WeakHashtable |
This is a hashtable that stores object keys as weak references. It monitors memory usage and will periodically scavenge the hash table to clean out dead references. |
WeakHashtable.EqualityWeakReference |
A subclass of WeakReference that overrides GetHashCode and Equals so that the weak reference returns the same equality semantics as the object it wraps. This will always return the object's hash code and will return True for a Equals comparison of the object it is wrapping. If the object it is wrapping has finalized, Equals always returns false. |
WeakHashtable.WeakKeyComparer |
Win32Exception |