C# (CSharp) Subtext.Framework.UrlManager Пространство имен


Имя Описание
HandlerConfiguration Configuration class for the HandlerConfiguration section of the web.config file.
HttpHandler Class used to match URLS to the controls that render the URL.
PageHandlerFactory System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory is internal. We need the option to load our own classes with this for the virtual mapping. With the virtual mapping default documents will not be loaded. if no page is found, we will use attempt to load default.aspx in the current directory
UrlReWriteHandlerFactory Class responisble for figuring out which Subtext page to load. By default will load an array of Subtext.UrlManager.HttpHandlder from the blog.config file. This contains a list of Regex patterns to match the current request to. It also allows caching of the Regex's and Types.