C# (CSharp) Smrf.NodeXL.Layouts Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CircleLayout Lays out a graph by placing the vertices on a circle.
EdgeBundler EdgeBundler class is intended to be used for bundling and straightening of the edges of the graph. The goal is to get the layout that is less clutered and more suitable for analiyzing. This class is based on the paper "Force-Directed Edge Bundling for Graph Visualization" by Danny Holten and Jarke J. van Wijk. http://www.win.tue.nl/~dholten/papers/forcebundles_eurovis.pdf It was implemented and modified by Luka Potkonjak.
EdgeBundler.EdgeGroupData Class used for storing the needed edge metadata
EdgeBundler.GroupPairData Class used for storing data for a pair of groups of edges (direction and compatibility coefficient)
FreeSpaceBox Manages the various free space boxes that are available
FruchtermanReingoldLayout Lays out a graph using the Fruchterman-Reingold layout.
FruchtermanReingoldVertexInfo Stores information calculated by FruchtermanReingoldLayout for one vertex.
GraphBinner Lays out a graph's smaller components in bins.
GridLayout Lays out a graph by placing the vertices on a grid.
GroupLayoutDrawingInfo Stores information about how groups and the edges between them should be drawn when the graph is laid out using groups.
GroupMetadataManager Manages the metadata that gets stored on the graph during layout when is set to .
GroupRectangleCalculator Calculates a rectangle for each group of vertices.
HarelKorenFastMultiscaleLayout Lays out a graph using the Harel-Koren fast multiscale algorithm.
LayOutGraphAsyncArguments Stores the arguments passed to ILayout.LayOutGraphAsync.
LayoutBase Base class for layouts.
LayoutBase.GroupVertex A special representation of a group used for calculating the Force-Directed Group-in-a-Box layout.
LayoutContext Provides access to objects needed for laying out a graph.
LayoutMetadataUtil Utility methods for dealing with a graph's layout metadata.
LayoutSaver Saves and restores a layout.
LayoutsBase Base class for most classes in the Smrf.NodeXL.Layouts namespace.
NullLayout Leaves the graph's vertices in their current location.
PackedGroupRectangleCalculator Calculates a rectangle for each group of vertices.
PolarAbsoluteLayout Lays out a graph by placing the vertices within a polar coordinate space.
PolarLayout Lays out a graph by placing the vertices within a polar coordinate space.
PolarLayoutBase Base class for classes that lay out a graph by placing the vertices within a polar coordinate space.
RandomLayout Lays out a graph by placing the vertices in random locations.
RectangleBinner Splits a parent rectangle into "bin" rectangles.
SinusoidHorizontalLayout Lays out a graph by placing the vertices on a horizontal sine wave.
SinusoidLayout Lays out a graph by placing the vertices on a horizontal or vertical sine wave.
SinusoidVerticalLayout Lays out a graph by placing the vertices on a vertical sine wave.
SortableLayoutBase Base class for layouts that support vertex sorting and selective layout.
SpiralLayout Lays out a graph by placing the vertices on a spiral.
SugiyamaLayout Lays out a graph using the Sugiyama layered layout scheme.
VectorTools Used for vector calculations
VertexGridSnapper Snaps vertices to a grid.