C# (CSharp) Smrf.NodeXL.GraphDataProviders.YouTube Пространство имен


Имя Описание
YouTubeGetVideoNetworkDialog Gets a network of related YouTube videos.
YouTubeGraphDataProviderDialogBase Base class for dialogs that get YouTube graph data.
YouTubeNetworkAnalyzerBase Base class for classes that analyze a YouTube network.
YouTubeUserNetworkAnalyzer Gets a network of YouTube users.
YouTubeUserNetworkAnalyzer.GetNetworkAsyncArgs Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously get a network of YouTube users.
YouTubeUserNetworkGraphDataProvider Gets a network of people related to a YouTube user.
YouTubeVideoNetworkAnalyzer Gets a network of related YouTube videos.
YouTubeVideoNetworkAnalyzer.GetNetworkAsyncArgs Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously get a network of related YouTube videos.
YouTubeVideoNetworkGraphDataProvider Gets a network of related YouTube videos.