Имя |
Описание |
TweetDateRangeAnalyzer |
Analyzes the range of tweet dates in a Twitter search network. |
TwitterAccessToken |
Represents a Twitter OAuth access token. |
TwitterAuthorizationControl |
TwitterAuthorizationManager |
Manages the process of authorizing NodeXL with Twitter. |
TwitterAuthorizingDialog |
Tells the user that the Twitter authorization page has been opened in a browser window, and accepts the PIN that Twitter provides after authorization is complete. |
TwitterGetListNetworkDialog |
TwitterGetSearchNetworkDialog |
TwitterGetSearchNetworkDialog.WhatEdgeToIncludeInformation |
Stores information about one edge-related flag in the enumeration. |
TwitterGetUserNetworkDialog |
Gets the network of people followed by a Twitter user or people whom a Twitter user follows. |
TwitterGraphDataProviderDialogBase |
Base class for dialogs that get Twitter graph data. |
TwitterListNetworkAnalyzer |
Gets a network that shows the connections between a set of Twitter users specified by either a single Twitter List name or by a set of Twitter screen names. |
TwitterListNetworkAnalyzer.GetNetworkAsyncArgs |
Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously get the network. |
TwitterListNetworkGraphDataProvider |
Gets a network that shows the connections between a set of Twitter users specified by either a single Twitter List name or by a set of Twitter screen names. |
TwitterNetworkAnalyzerBase |
Base class for classes that analyze a Twitter network. |
TwitterNetworkAnalyzerBase.GetNetworkAsyncArgsBase |
Base class for classes that contain the arguments needed to asynchronously get a Twitter network. |
TwitterRateLimitsControl |
TwitterSearchNetworkAnalyzer |
Gets a network of people who have tweeted a specified search term. |
TwitterSearchNetworkAnalyzer.GetNetworkAsyncArgs |
Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously get the network. |
TwitterSearchNetworkGraphDataProvider |
Gets the network of people who have tweeted a specified search term. |
TwitterUserNetworkAnalyzer |
Gets a network of Twitter users related to a specified user. |
TwitterUserNetworkAnalyzer.GetNetworkAsyncArgs |
Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously get the network. |
TwitterUserNetworkGraphDataProvider |
Gets the network of people followed by a Twitter user or people whom a Twitter user follows. |