C# (CSharp) Smartsheet.Api.Models Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AlternateEmail The AlternateEmail object.
AlternateEmail.AlternateEmailBuilder A convenience class To help generate AlternateEmail object with the appropriate fields.
Attachment Represents the Attachment object.
Attachment.CreateAttachmentBuilder A convenience class for quickly creating an Attachment to a URL.
AutoNumberFormat Represents the AutoNumberFormat object. It describes how the the System Column Type of "AUTO_NUMBER" is auto-generated
BulkItemFailure Represents the BulkItemFailure object.
BulkItemRowResult Represents the BulkItemRowResult object.
Cell Represents the Cell object that holds data in a sheet.
Cell.AddCellBuilder A convenience class for quickly creating a List of Cells To update.
Cell.UpdateCellBuilder A convenience class for updating a Cell with the necessary fields for inserting into a list of Cells.
CellDataItem Represents the widget object.
CellHistory Represents CellHistory object.
CellLink Represents a link to a Cell in a different Sheet. If status is not “OK” (i.e. there is a problem with the link), any or all of the following attributes may be null: sheetId, rowId, columnId

You can create and modify cell links by using any API operation that creates or updates cell data. Creating or updating cell links via the cell.linkInFromCell attribute is a special operation. A given row or cell update operation may contain only link updates, or no link updates. Attempting to mix row/cell updates with cell link updates will result in error code 1115.

When creating a cell link, cell.value must be null (the data will be pulled from the linked cell).

A cell may not contain both a hyperlink and a cell link, so hyperlink and linkInFromCell may never both be non-null at the same time.

A cell link can only be added to an existing cell, so the cell.linkInFromCell attribute is not allowed when POSTing a new row to a sheet.

Column Represents the Column object.
Column.AddColumnBuilder A convenience class To help create a column object with the appropriate fields for adding To a sheet.
Column.CreateSheetColumnBuilder A convenience class To help create a column object with the appropriate fields for adding To a Sheet being created.
Column.UpdateColumnBuilder The convenience Class UpdateColumnBuilder to build a Column object to be updated, moved, and/or renamed. The Column's index, title, and sheetId properties must be set.
Comment Represents the Comment object.
Comment.AddCommentBuilder A convenience class To generate a Comment with the appropriate fields for adding it To a sheet.
Contact Represents a user’s personal in Smartsheet Managing contacts
ContainerDestination Object that describes the destination container when a Sheet or Folder is moved, or when a Sheet, Folder, or Workspace is copied.
CopyOrMoveRowDestination Information on the destination of the rows that were copied or moved.
CopyOrMoveRowDirective A CopyOrMoveRowDirective object that holds information on the direction of the rows being copied or moved to.
CopyOrMoveRowResult Result of rows moved or copies.
Criteria Represents the Criteria object.
Currency The Currency info
Discussion Represents the Discussion object.
Discussion.CreateDiscussionBuilder A convenience class To help generate discussion object with the appropriate fields for adding a discussion To a sheet or row.
Email Represents an Email object.
Error Represents Error object.
Favorite Represents a Favorite object.
Favorite.AddFavoriteBuilder A convenience class for making a Favorite object with the appropriate fields for adding the user.
FeatureInfo Information on server information.
Filter Smartsheet users can define and save personal column filters on sheets they can view. When any API operation that returns columns is invoked with the "include=filters" query string parameter, the column will include any active filters the user has defined for the sheet.
Folder Represents a folder.
Folder.CreateFolderBuilder A convenience class for setting up a folder with the appropriate fields for creation.
Folder.UpdateFolderBuilder A convenience class for setting up a folder with the appropriate fields for updating the folder.
FontFamily FontFamily object.
FormatDetails Represents the Format details when generating a digital copy (PDF/EXCEL) of a sheet.
FormatTables The FormatTables object is retrieved via the GET /serverinfo operation and contains all of the lookup tables that the Format Descriptor indexes refer to, as well as a property called defaults, which is a Format Descriptor that describes which formats the Smartsheet web application displays for unset formats.
Group Represents the Group object.
Group.CreateGroupBuilder A convenience class for making a Group object with the appropriate fields for creating the group.
Group.UpdateGroupBuilder A convenience class for making a Group object with the appropriate fields for updating the group.
GroupMember.AddGroupMemberBuilder A convenience class for creating a GroupMember object with the appropriate fields to add to a group.
Home Represents the Home object.
IdentifiableModel Represents an object with an ID.
Image Represents the Image object.
ImageUrl Represents the ImageUrl object.
ImageUrl.ImageUrlBuilder A convenience class To help generate ImageUrl object with the appropriate fields.
ImageUrlMap Represents the ImageUrl object.
Link Represents a hyperlink to a URL, a Sheet, or a Report. If the Sheet or Report that is linked to was deleted, this object may be empty (i.e. all values null).

You can create and modify hyperlinks by using any API operation that creates or updates cell data. When creating or updating a hyperlink, cell.value may be set to a string value or null. If null, the cell’s value will be derived from the hyperlink: If the hyperlink is a URL link, the cell’s value will be set to the URL itself. If the hyperlink is a sheet or report link, the cell’s value will be set to the sheet or report’s name.

MultiRowEmail Represents MultiRowEmail object.
MultiShare Represents the MultiShare object.
MultiShare.ShareToManyBuilder A convenience class for creating a MultiShare object with the necessary fields for sharing a sheet with many Users.
NamedModel Represents an object with a Name and an Id.
PaginationParameters Builds optional query string parameters for pagination.
Recipient Specifies the recipient of an Email.
The recipient may be either an individual or a group.
To specify an individual, set the email attribute; to specify a group, set the groupId attribute.
Either email and groupId may be set, but not both.
ReportCell The Cell object of a Report.
ReportColumn A report column is a "virtual" column, in that it appears identical to source sheet column(s), but is in fact a different column belonging to the report. Cells in the report refer to this column via their virtualColumnId attribute, and their actual column from their source sheet via their columnId attribute.
ReportPublish Represents the Report Publish object (see http://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/?shell#reportpublish-object
RowEmail Represents RowEmail object.
RowMapping Information between the source and destination sheet of rows that were copied or moved.
RowWrapper Represents the RowWrapper object that is used To specify the location for a Row or set of Rows.
RowWrapper.InsertRowsBuilder A convenience class for creating a RowWrapper with the necessary fields for inserting a Row or set of Rows.
RowWrapper.MoveRowBuilder A convenience class for creating a RowWrapper with the necessary fields for moving a Row or set of Rows.
Schedule Represents the Schedule object.
SearchResult Represents the Results of a search.
SearchResultItem Represents one specific RequestResult of a search.
SentUpdateRequest Represents the SentUpdateRequest object.///
ServerInfo Represents a Server Infromation Object.
Share Represents a Share Object.
Share.CreateShareBuilder A convenience class for creating a Share with the necessary fields for sharing the sheet To one user.
Share.UpdateShareBuilder A convenience class for creating a Share with the necessary fields To update a specific share.
ShareScope Represents the scope of a share. For use with the ShareResources.ListShares(long, PaginationParameters, ShareScope).
SheetEmail Represents Sheet Email object used for sending a sheet by Email.
SheetEmail.CreateSheetEmail A convenience class for creating a SheetEmail object with the necessary fields.
SheetPublish Represents the publish Status of a sheet.
SheetPublish.PublishStatusBuilder A convenience class for making a SheetPublish object with the necessary fields To publish a sheet.
SheetUserSettings Represents individual user settings for a specific sheet. User settings may be updated even on sheets where the current user only has read access (e.g. viewer permissions or a read-only sheet).
ShortcutDataItem Represents the widget object.
Sight Represents the sight object.
Source Represents individual user settings for a specific sheet. User settings may be updated even on sheets where the current user only has read access (e.g. viewer permissions or a read-only sheet).
Template A template object that is a default layout for future Sheets.
UpdateRequest Represents the UpdateRequest object.
User.AddUserBuilder A convenience class for making a User object with the appropriate fields for adding the user.
User.UpdateUserBuilder A convenience class for making a User object with the appropriate fields for updating a user.
UserModel Represents an UserModel.
UserModelWithName Represents an UserModelWithName.
UserProfile A user profile object.
Webhook Represents the webhook object.
WebhookSharedSecret Represents the webhook shared secret.
WebhookStats Represents the webhook stats object.
Widget Represents the widget object.
Workspace Represents the Workspace object which is an area in which Sheets, reports, Templates and sub-Folders can be organized, similar To a folder.
Workspace.CreateWorkspaceBuilder A convenience class for creating a Workspace object with the appropriate fields for creating a workspace.
Workspace.UpdateWorkspaceBuilder A convenience class for creating a Workspace object with the appropriate fields for updating a workspace.