C# (CSharp) SharpNeat.Core Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AuxFitnessInfo Auxiliary fitness info, i.e. for evaluation metrics other than the primary fitness metric but that nonetheless we are interested in observing.
CoordinateVector General purpose representation of a point in a multidimensional space. A vector of coordinates, each coordinate defining the position within a dimension/axis defined by an ID.
EvaluationInfo Encapsulates genome evaluation data; specifically whether the genome has been evaluated, the genome's fitness, how many times the genome has been evaluated and if more than once then the mean fitness. Mean fitness is sometimes used when evaluations are non-determininstic (where each evaluation with the same parameters results in a different fitness, usually following some distribution curve) or else successive evaluations use different evaluation parameters and therefore result in different fitnesses. This approach is sometimes used in order to evaluate against a very computationally expensive fitness scheme, or indeed a computationally intractable scheme - i.e. we only execute against some subset of the problem space for each genome evaluation, and thus we obtain a more representative value for a genome's fitness by averaging over successive evaluations.
FitnessInfo Wrapper struct for fitness values.
UpdateScheme Represents an update scheme for an IEvolutionAlgorithm. e.g. update per some time duration or some number of generations.