C# (CSharp) SharpAdbClient Пространство имен

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Implements the IAdbClient interface, and allows you to interact with the adb server and devices that are connected to that adb server.

For example, to fetch a list of all devices that are currently connected to this PC, you can call the GetDevices method.

To run a command on a device, you can use the ExecuteRemoteCommand(string, DeviceData, IShellOutputReceiver, CancellationToken, int) method.

AdbClientExtensions Provides extension methods for the IAdbClient interface. Provides overloads for commonly used funtions.
AdbCommandLineClient Provides methods for interacting with the adb.exe command line client.
AdbCommandLineClientExtensions Provides extension methods for the IAdbCommandLineClient class.

Provides methods for interacting with the adb server. The adb server must be running for the rest of the Managed.Adb library to work.

The adb server is a background process that runs on the host machine. Its purpose if to sense the USB ports to know when devices are attached/removed, as well as when emulator instances start/stop. The ADB server is really one giant multiplexing loop whose purpose is to orchestrate the exchange of data between clients and devices.

AdbServerStatus Represents the status of the adb server.

Implements a client for the Android Debug Bridge client-server protocol. Using the client, you can send messages to and receive messages from the Android Debug Bridge.

The AdbSocket class implements the raw messaging protocol; that is, sending and receiving messages. For interacting with the services the Android Debug Bridge exposes, use the AdbClient.

For more information about the protocol that is implemented here, see chapter II Protocol Details, section 1. Client <->Server protocol at .

ConsoleOutputReceiver Recieves console output, and makes the console output available as a string. To fetch the console output that was received, used the ToString method.
DeviceData Represents a device that is connected to the Android Debug Bridge.
Factories Provides factory methods used by the various SharpAdbClient classes.
ForwardData Contains information about port forwarding configured by the Android Debug Bridge.
ForwardSpec Represents an adb forward specification as used by the various adb port forwarding functions.
SocketExtensions Provides extension methods for the Socket class.

Provides access to the sync service running on the Android device. Allows you to list, download and upload files on the device.

TcpSocket Implements the ITcpSocket interface using the standard Socket class.