C# (CSharp) SfSdk.Response Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CharacterResponse The reponse type returned on SF.ActScreenChar, SF.RespPlayerScreen.
Triggered by action SF.ActScreenChar, SF.ActRequestChar.
HallOfFameResponse The reponse type returned on SF.ActScreenChar, SF.RespPlayerScreen.
Triggered by action SF.ActScreenChar, SF.ActRequestChar.
LoginResponse The reponse type returned on SF.RespLoginSuccess, SF.RespLoginSuccessBought.
Triggered by action SF.ActLogin.
LogoutResponse The reponse type returned on SF.RespLogoutSuccess.
Triggered by action SF.ActLogout.
ResponseBase A base class of type IResponse containing the arguments of the response.
ResponseWithSavegame A base class of type IResponse containing the arguments of the response.
ScrapbookResponse The response type returned on SF.RespAlbum.
Triggered by action SF.ActAlbum.
SfResponse Provides easier processing of response strings from a S&F data source.