C# (CSharp) SaasEcom.Core.Models Пространство имен


Имя Описание
Invoice Invoices are statements of what a customer owes for a particular billing period, including subscriptions, invoice items, and any automatic proration adjustments if necessary. Once an invoice is created, payment is automatically attempted. Note that the payment, while automatic, does not happen exactly at the time of invoice creation. If you have configured webhooks, the invoice will wait until one hour after the last webhook is successfully sent (or the last webhook times out after failing). Any customer credit on the account is applied before determining how much is due for that invoice (the amount that will be actually charged). If the amount due for the invoice is less than 50 cents (the minimum for a charge), we add the amount to the customer's running account balance to be added to the next invoice. If this amount is negative, it will act as a credit to offset the next invoice. Note that the customer account balance does not include unpaid invoices; it only includes balances that need to be taken into account when calculating the amount due for the next invoice.
Invoice.LineItem Invoice Line Item
Invoice.Period Invoice Period
Invoice.Plan Invoice Plan