Имя |
Описание |
AdhocCoProhibAtomicLauncher |
AdhocCoProhibAtomicReferenceDisabledSlice |
AdhocCoProhibAtomicReferenceSlice |
Summary description for AdhocCoProhibAtomicReferenceSlice. |
AdhocCoProhibVectorLauncher |
(JohnT, by inspection not as author:) this class seems to be responsible for the whole body, not just the launcher button, of an AdhocCoProhibVectorReferenceSlice, which is (for example) used in Grammar/Ad hoc Co-prohibitions, Other Morphemes slice. It is basically a VectorReferenceLauncher, with some special code mainly related to the chooser button. |
AdhocCoProhibVectorReferenceDisabledSlice |
AdhocCoProhibVectorReferenceSlice |
Summary description for AdhocCoProhibVectorReferenceSlice. |
AffixRuleFormulaControl |
This class represents an affix process rule formula control. An affix process is represented by a left input empty cell, a right input empty cell, a cell for each input phonological context, and a result cell. The input emtpy cells are simply used to insert new contexts in to a MoAffixProcess . The context cells represent the contexts in the Input field of MoAffixProcess . The data in the result cell consists of the rule mapping objects in the Output field. |
AffixRuleFormulaSlice |
AffixRuleFormulaVc |
AnalysisInterlinearRs |
This is the main class for the interlinear text control view of one analysis of one wordform. |
AssignFeaturesToPhonemes |
BasicIPASymbolSlice |
ConcordanceDlg |
Summary description for ConcordanceDlg. |
ConcordanceDlg.ProgressReporting |
This class provides access to the status strip's progress bar. |
InflAffixTemplateControl |
Summary description for InflAffixTemplateControl. |
InterlinearSlice |
A tree control item where the embedded form is a View (specifically SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.RootSite). |
MEImages |
Summary description for MEImages. |
MetaRuleFormulaSlice |
MetaRuleFormulaVc |
OccurrenceComparer |
OccurrenceSorter |
OneAnalysisSandbox |
OneAnalysisSandbox.UpdateRealAnalysisMethod |
PhEnvStrRepresentationSlice |
Summary description for PhEnvStrRepresentationSlice. |
PhEnvStrRepresentationSlice.StringRepSliceVc |
PhEnvStrRepresentationSlice.StringRepSliceView |
PhonologicalFeaturePopupTreeManager |
Handles a TreeCombo control (Widgets assembly) for use in selecting inflection features. |
RegRuleFormulaSlice |
This class represents a PhRegularRule slice. |
RegRuleFormulaVc |
RespellerDlg |
RespellerDlgListener |
XCore listener for the Respeller dlg. |
RespellerRecordList |
RespellerTemporaryRecordClerk |
RuleFormulaControl |
This class class represents a rule formula control. It is not intended to be used directly. Specific phonological/morphological rules should extend this class. It is not abstract so that it can be modified in Windows Form designer. It is a button launcher with a rule formula view and a rule insertion control. It handles selection, deletion, insertion, and cursor movement for a rule formula. Rules that extend this class override the methods that provide information about the various table cells in the rule and the data contained in each cell. |
RuleFormulaControl.InsertOption |
RuleFormulaSlice |
This is a view slice that contains a RuleFormulaControl . It is extended by phonological/morphological rule slices. |
RuleFormulaVcBase |
This view constructor is intended to be extended by particular rule formula view constructors. It handles the display of phonological contexts, such as PhSequenceContext , PhIterationContext , PhSimpleContextNC , PhSimpleContextSeg , PhSimpleContextNC , etc., for rule formulas. |
WordformApplicationServices |
Static application level service class for wordforms. |
WordformGoDlg |
Summary description for WordformGoDlg. |
WordformGoSearchEngine |
This is the search engine for WordformGoDlg. |