C# (CSharp) SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.DetailControls Пространство имен


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AtomicRefTypeAheadSlice This class displays an atomic reference property. Currently it must be for a property for which where ReferenceTargetCandidates returns a useful list of results.
AtomicReferencePOSSlice Summary description for AtomicReferencePOSSlice.
AutomicReferencePOSDisabledSlice This class shows the POS slice as being disabled.
CommandSlice Class that shows a button (or hyperlink someday) that runs some arbitrary XCore command, based on its ID.
ConfigureWritingSystemsDlg The configure writing systems dialog that is used by MultiStringSlice.
DataTree A DataTree displays a tree diagram alongside a collection of controls. Each control is represented as a Slice, and typically contains and actual .NET control of some sort (most often, in FieldWorks, a subclass of SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.RootSite). The controls are arranged vertically, one under the other, and the tree diagram is aligned with the controls. The creator of a DataTree is responsible to add items to it, though DataTree provide helpful methods for adding certain commonly useful controls. Additional items may be added as a result of user actions, typically expanding and contracting nodes. Much of the standard behavior of the DataTree is achieved by delegating it to virtual methods of Slice, which can be subclassed to specialize this behavior. Review JohnT: do I have the right superclass? This choice allows the window to have a scroll bar and to contain other controls, and seems to be the intended superclass for stuff developed by application programmers.
DataTreeImages Summary description for DataTreeImages.
FwCancelSearchButton This Button signals that a search is possible by showing a magnifying glass to the right of a search box. In this state the button is not enabled. When a search is active, it changes to an X that is enabled and when clicked on will revert to no search being active. Most of the work happens in the SearchIsActive setter. The Button's click event should be hooked up to a handler that clears the search (text) and (consequently) sets SearchIsActive to false.
GenDateChooserDlg A chooser dialog for generic dates.
GenDateLauncher This is a button launcher that launches a generic date chooser.
GenDateSlice This is a generic date slice.
GhostReferenceVectorSlice This class is used (e.g., in the Info tab of Texts/Words) where a Reference Vector Slice would normally appear, except that the object that has the property does not yet exist. In fact, we do not want to create the object until the user runs the chooser and clicks OK.
GhostStringSlice A ghost string slice displays what purports to be a string (or multistring) property of a missing object. The canonical example is if a LexSense does not have an example sentence. The ghost slice apparently shows the missing Example property of the nonexistent ExampleSentence. If the user types something, a real object is created. A ghost slice is created when a part displays an object or object sequence that is empty, if the 'obj' or 'seq' element has an attribute ghost="fieldname" and ghostWs="vernacular/analysis". Optionally it may also have ghostClass="className". If this is absent it will create an instance of the base signature class, which had better not be abstract.
GhostStringSlice.GhostDaDecorator The ghost slice displays just one string; this decorator stores and returns it independent of the flid.
GhostStringSlice.GhostMdc The ghost slice displays just one virtual string; this decorator handles the fake flid.
ImageSlice Summary description for ImageSlice.
MessageSlice Summary description for MessageSlice.
MorphTypeAtomicReferenceSlice Summary description for MorphTypeAtomicReferenceSlice.
MultiLevelConc A MultiLevelConc (concordance) displays a concordance. The concordance can consist of a mixture of context slices (which are leaf nodes in a tree, and typically display one occurrence of an interesting item in context) and summary slices (which typically show a particular interesting item, and can be expanded to show either further summaries or contexts). The concordance is initialized with a list (any IList implementation)of IConcSliceInfo objects. This interface provides information to control how each slice is displayed. Some default implementations are provided in this component.
MultiLevelConc.ContextInfo This implementation of ConcSliceInfo is initialized with an Hvo, flid, offset, and length. It provides information about a context slice (leaf node).
MultiLevelConc.DummyConcSlice This is a dummy slice that can create real ones based on the policy.
MultiLevelConc.SummaryInfo This is a default summary info suitable for a concordance where the summary words are just extracted from text, and don't have any object they represent. Hence, it is initialized simply with a string and a list of children.
MultiStringSlice Summary description for ViewPropertyItem.
ObjSeqHashMap An object sequence hash map represents a mapping from sequences of objects to sequences of objects. The key may be anything that implements IList. The value is also a list. It is expected that very commonly only one value will be stored for a given key. The implementation is optimized for this by storing the object directly rather than a sequence holding the one object. Two objects are typically stored as an array, three or more as an ArrayList. (This means lists of lists don't work.)
PictureSlice A slice that displays a picture (CmPicture).
SemanticDomainSelectionUtility This class contains methods that can be used for displaying the Semantic Domains in a TreeView and ListView. These views are used in FLEX for allowing the user to select Semantic Domains.
SemanticDomainSelectionUtility.DomainNode This class extends the LabelNode class to provide a customized display for the semantic domain.
SimpleComparer This code provides a simple comparison function for keyed objects. The strings are compared using simple string comparison.
SliceFilter a class to determine, at display time, whether individual slices should be displayed or hidden.
SliceMenuRequestArgs This is used to request slice context menus.
StTextSlice An StTextSlice implements the sttext editor type for atomic attributes whose value is an StText. The resulting view allows the editing of the text, including creating and destroying (and splitting and merging) of the paragraphs using the usual keyboard actions.
StringSlice Summary description for ViewPropertyItem.
SummaryCommandControl Summary description for SummaryCommandControl.
TwoLevelConc A TwoLevelConc (concordance) displays a concordance that is initially a list of words, each of which can be expanded to show a context list. The most basic version is initialized with an Array of HVOs, one for each top-level object. A flid is specified which can be used to obtain a string that is the keyword for that object (displayed in the top-level node). Enhance: plan to allow an interface to be supplied that allows a different string property to be displayed as the name of each hvo. TwoLevelConc itself will implement the interface, by supplying the flid from its member variable. Enhance: plan to allow an interface to be supplied that handles consequences of the user editing the keyword string (e.g., correcting spelling in all the occurrences). It will also have a flag indicating whether such editing is allowed. TwoLevelConc itself will implement this trivially to say that editing is not allowed. A call-back interface, IGetNodeInfo, is specified to allow the client to supply the information needed when a particular node is to be expanded. The information is supplied in the form of a INodeInfo object. A default implementation of INodeInfo, SimpleNodeInfo, is provided in this package.
TwoLevelConc.ParaNodeInfo A ParaNodeinfo assumes that all the context strings are the contents of StTxtParas. It assumes the length of all key strings is constant, typically the length of the header node string. The offsets are supplied as a parameter to the constructor. Context editing is off by default, but may be turned on.
TwoLevelConc.StringListConcPolicy This implementation of IConcPolicy is initialized with a list of key strings. There should be one for each slice.
ViewSlice A tree control item where the embedded form is a View (specifically SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Framework.RootSite).