C# (CSharp) Rock.Data Пространство имен


Имя Описание
DbContext Entity Framework Context
DbContext.ContextItem State of entity being changed during a context save
DbMetadataExtensions from https://github.com/divega/UdfCodeFirstSample
DbService Helper class to provide native SQL methods
IgnoreModelErrorsAttribute derived from http://mrbigglesworth79.blogspot.in/2011/12/partial-validation-with-data.html
LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder Helps create a Type at runtime that can be used when building a dynamic Linq select statement From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/606104/how-to-create-linq-expression-tree-with-anonymous-type-in-it see answer http://stackoverflow.com/a/723018/1755417 The stackoverflow version only defined fields, but our implementation adds Properties
MigrationHelper Helper Class for updating Rock entities during migrations
QueryHintDbCommandInterceptor Used with Rock.Data.HintScope, appends a Query Hint to SQL statements executed within the HintScope some of this comes from http://stackoverflow.com/a/26762756/1755417
RockClientIncludeAttribute Attribute so that the code generator knows to include this class even though it isn't a mapped entity
RockContext Entity Framework Context
RockContextConfig Create a DbConfiguration that uses an execution strategy that will retry exceptions that are known to be possibley transient when working with SqlAzure
RockInteractiveViews Helper class to set view cache
RockUdfHelper pattern from https://github.com/divega/UdfCodeFirstSample