C# (CSharp) Revit.SDK.Samples.NewRoof.RoofForms.CS Пространство имен


Имя Описание
ExtrusionRoofWrapper The ExtrusionRoofWrapper class is use to edit a extrusion roof in a PropertyGrid. It contains a extrusion roof.
FootPrintRoofLine The FootPrintRoofLine class is used to edit the foot print data of a footprint roof.
FootPrintRoofLineConverter The FootPrintRoofLineConverter class is inherited from the ExpandableObjectConverter class which is used to expand the property which returns FootPrintRoofLine type as like a tree view in the PropertyGrid control.
FootPrintRoofWrapper The FootPrintRoofWrapper class is use to edit a footprint roof in a PropertyGrid. It contains a footprint roof.
LevelConverter The LevelConverter class is inherited from the TypeConverter class which is used to show the property which returns Level type as like a combo box in the PropertyGrid control.
RoofForm The main form to create or delete roof in Revit.
RoofItem The RoofItem is used to display a roof info in the ListView as a ListViewItem.
Util The Util class is used to translate Revit coordination to windows coordination.