C# (CSharp) Remotion.Linq.SqlBackend.SqlStatementModel.SqlSpecificExpressions Пространство имен


Имя Описание
SqlCaseExpression Represents a SQL CASE WHEN expression.
SqlCollectionExpression Represents a collection of values, each of which is itself represented by an Expression.
SqlConvertExpression SqlConvertExpression is used to represent a convert expression.
SqlExistsExpression SqlExistsExpression is used to represent a sql exists expression.
SqlFunctionExpression SqlFunctionExpression holds the sql specific function with its parameters.
SqlInExpression Represents a SQL "a IN b" expression.
SqlIsNotNullExpression Represents 'is not null' in a comparison.
SqlIsNullExpression Represents 'is null' in a comparison.
SqlLengthExpression emits SQL that deals with spaces when calculating lengths.
SqlLikeExpression Represents a sql 'LIKE' command
SqlRowNumberExpression SqlRowNumberExpression represents the Sql ROW_NUMBER() function.