C# (CSharp) Recognos.Core Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
FileUtilities Utilities for handling files
Format Helper class to format strings with InvariantCulture
PBKDF2SaltedHash Secure password hash Uses PBKDF2 internally, as implemented by the Rfc2998DeriveBytes class. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bwx8t0yt.aspx Code adappted from stackoverflow: http://code.google.com/p/stackid/source/browse/OpenIdProvider/Current.cs#1226
ReferencedAssemblyLoader Helper class to help ensure that all referenced assemblies are loaded. This class is useful when all referenced assemblies must be scanned for types, for registering them in a DI container. If an assembly is already loaded, it will not be loaded again. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.appdomain.getassemblies.aspx The call to AppDomain.GetAssemblies only returns: "assemblies that have been loaded into the execution context of this application domain." The JIT might not load an assembly when the scan happens.
ResetEvent A wait handle like struct witch combines an AutoResetEvent and a ManualResetEvent
SaltedHash Implementation for hashing a salted password and verifying the hash.
SimpleScheduler Simple scheduler class
TaskErrorEventArgs Event arguments for task errors
TaskExecutor Helper class to run a set of tasks in parallel. This class uses a number of worker threads witch will execute the queued tasks in parallel as much as possible. The worker threads are background threads and you must call Dispose() or Finish() to ensure all the tasks are finished
TimedAction Utility class to measure how much time a block of code takes. using(new TimedAction( t => log.Info("action duration {0}",t)) { // block to measure duration }
UUCodecs Utility class to UUEncode and UUDecode
UriExtensions Useful extensions for Uri processing.