C# (CSharp) Rebel.Framework.Localization.Processing.ParameterEvaluators Пространство имен


Имя Описание
PatternLookupEvaluator Executes another pattern. Takes the format @OtherPatternKey or @OtherPatternKey(Parameter1, Parameter2, ... ParameterN) The specified parameters are passed on from the current parameters both with names and index. The latter provides a way to reuse the same pattern even though parameter names may be different where it's called. In that case the pattern should only use parameter numbers as in: Special pattern says "Hello {0}" If the key of the pattern to lookup is prefixed with '@' the name of the pattern is given by a parameter. For example @@PatternName(Parameter) If a parameter name is quoted ("My value" or 'My value') it is considered a string literal that is passed to the referenced pattern Parameters can be omitted to maintain ordinal positions, e.g. @Key(P1,,P3,,,"foo")