C# (CSharp) RTools.Util Пространство имен


Имя Описание
CharBuffer Buffer for characters. This approximates StringBuilder but is designed to be faster for specific operations. This is about 30% faster for the operations I'm interested in (Append, Clear, Length, ToString). This trades off memory for speed.
CharToken Token type for characters, meaning non-word characters.
CommentToken Token type for comments, including line and block comments.
EofToken Represents end of file/stream.
EolToken Represents end-of-lines (line separator characters).
FloatToken Token type for floating point numbers, stored internally as a Double.
HighResClock This provides access to the Kernel32.dll high resolution clock API. This is motivated by the need to have higher resolution than .Net's DateTime.Now, which is apparently about 10ms. The effective resolution of HighResClock on a P4 1.4GHz is about 10us. System.TimeSpan System.DateTime
IntToken Token type for integer tokens. This handles both Int32 and Int64.
Logger This is a simple implementation of a Logger class. The purpose is to threshold output based on a verbosity setting, format messages similarly, and collect all message writes such that they can be redirected easily. You (and I) should probably use the Apache Software Foundation's log4net instead of this class.
QuoteToken Token type for Quotes such as "this is a quote".
StreamTokenizer A StreamTokenizer similar to Java's. This breaks an input stream (coming from a TextReader) into Tokens based on various settings. The settings are stored in the TokenizerSettings property, which is a StreamTokenizerSettings instance.
StreamTokenizerUntermCommentException Exception class for unterminated block comments.
StreamTokenizerUntermException Exception class for unterminated tokens.
StreamTokenizerUntermQuoteException Exception class for unterminated quotes.
StringToken Abstract base class for string tokens.
Token Token class used by StreamTokenizer. This represents a single token in the input stream. This is subclassed to provide specific token types, such as CharToken, FloatToken, etc.
WhitespaceToken Token type for whitespace such as spaces and tabs.
WordToken Token type for words, meaning sequences of word characters.