Имя |
Описание |
AboutForm |
AddControlGapMode |
AddControlMode |
AddCornerMode |
AddCourse |
AddDescriptionMode |
AddForkDialog |
AddLegGapMode |
AddLineAreaSpecialMode |
AddPointSpecialMode |
AddRectangleMode |
AddTextLine |
AddTextMode |
AllControlsProperties |
AreaCourseObj |
AspectPreservingRectCourseObj |
AutoNumbering |
BaseDialog |
BaseMode |
BasicPrinting |
BasicPrinting.Paginator |
BasicTextCourseObj |
BitmapUtil |
BoundaryCourseObj |
ChangeAllCodes |
ChangeCourseOrder |
ChangeEvent |
This class has static methods for changing the event database in useful ways. Note that it never involves the undo manager; you must begin a command before calling one of these methods. You must ensure that your edit is correct and meaningful before calling these methods. |
ChangeEvent.LegGapChange |
ChangeMapFile |
ChangeSpecialCourses |
ChangeText |
CircleGap |
CodeCourseObj |
ColorChooserDialog |
CommandNameText |
ControlCourseObj |
ControlNumberCourseObj |
ControlPoint |
A control point describes a particular point, not necessarily any association with a particular course. |
CoordinateMapper |
Course |
CourseAppearance |
CourseAppearanceDialog |
CourseControl |
CourseDesignator |
CourseFormatter |
CourseLoad |
CourseObj |
CoursePage |
CoursePageLayout |
CoursePageLayout.DimensionLayout |
CoursePartBanner |
Provides the Banner at the top of the course for selecting among different parts of a course. |
CoursePartProperties |
CoursePdf |
CoursePdfSettings |
CoursePrintSettings |
CoursePrinting |
CourseSelector |
CourseView |
A course view is a static view of all or part of a course. It is a static snapshot, and doesn't change if the underlying course changes. It also handles subsetting for map exchanges, relay variations, the all controls view, etc. It is the basis for control descriptions and the course drawing. |
CourseView.ControlView |
CourseView.DescriptionView |
CreateGpx |
CreateOcadFiles |
CreatePdfCourses |
CreateRouteGadgetFiles |
CrossingCourseObj |
CsvWriter |
CustomSymbolText |
DangerousCourseObj |
DefaultMode |
DeleteCornerMode |
DescriptionAppearance |
DescriptionControl |
DescriptionCourseObj |
DescriptionFormatter |
The description formatter takes a CourseView, and transforms it into a generic description sheet -- an array of DescriptionLine objects. |
DescriptionLine |
Describes one line in a abstract view of a control description sheet. |
DescriptionLocalize |
DescriptionPrintSettings |
DescriptionPrinting |
DescriptionRenderer |
Renders a CourseView onto a Graphics. |
DotGrid |
DownloadProgressDialog |
DragHandleMode |
DragObjectMode |
EnterSymbolText |
Event |
EventDB |
EventDB.ValidateInfo |
EventDBUtil |
ExportBitmap |
ExportRelayVariations3 |
ExportRouteGadget |
ExportXmlBase |
ExportXmlVersion2 |
ExportXmlVersion3 |
FindPurple |
FinishCourseObj |
FirstAidCourseObj |
FlaggedLegCourseObj |
FontDesc |
ForbiddenCourseObj |
GpxCreationSettings |
GpxFile |
GpxFile.Waypoint |
GraphicsHelper |
GraphicsRenderer |
HitTestResult |
ImageCourseObj |
ImageCourseObj.ImageLoader |
InitialScreen |
Leg |
LegCourseObj |
LegGap |
LicenseForm |
LineCourseObj |
LinePropertiesDialog |
LineSpecialCourseObj |
LineSpecialCourseObj.MySymdefKey |
MainFrame |
MapDisplay |
MapRenderer |
MapUtil |
MiscText |
MissingFonts |
MoveControlChoiceDialog |
NewEventBitmapScale |
NewEventDirectory |
NewEventFinal |
NewEventMapFile |
NewEventNumbering |
NewEventPaperSize |
NewEventPrintScale |
NewEventTitle |
NewEventWizard |
NonPrintableObjects |
NormalCourseAppearance |
OOBCourseObj |
OcadCreation |
OcadCreation.BitmapToWrite |
OcadCreationSettings |
OctreeQuantizer |
Quantize using an Octree |
OctreeQuantizer.Octree |
Class which does the actual quantization |
OctreeQuantizer.Octree.OctreeNode |
Class which encapsulates each node in the tree |
OkCancelDialog |
OperationInProgress |
OverwritingOcadFilesDialog |
PaperSizeControl |
PartOptions |
PdfConversionInProgress |
PdfLoadingUI |
PdfMapFile |
PointCourseObj |
PrintArea |
PrintCourses |
PrintDescriptions |
PrintPunches |
PrinterMargins |
Program |
PunchPattern |
PunchPatternDialog |
PunchPrintSettings |
PunchPrinting |
PunchcardAppearance |
PunchcardFormat |
PunchcardLayoutDialog |
PunchesRenderer |
Quantizer |
Base class for quantizer. |
Quantizer.Color32 |
QueryEvent |
QueryEvent.CourseControlAndSplitStart |
QueryEvent.LegInfo |
RectCourseObj |
RectSpecialCourseObj |
RectSpecialCourseObj.MySymdefKey |
RectangleHighlight |
RectanglePositioner |
RectanglePositioner.PositionedRectangle |
RectanglePrinting |
RectangleSelectMode |
RegMarkCourseObj |
RelayVariations |
RelayVariations.BranchWarning |
RelayVariations.Fork |
RelayVariations.LegAssignmentForOneFork |
RelayVariations.TeamAssignment |
RemoveControlGapMode |
RemoveLegGapMode |
ReportForm |
ReportText |
Reports |
Reports.ControlLoadInfo |
Reports.LegLoadInfo |
Reports.MissingThing |
Reports.NearbyControls |
RotateMode |
RouteGadgetCreationSettings |
SelectVariations |
SelectingRectangleCourseObj |
SelectionDescriber |
SelectionDescriptionText |
SelectionMgr |
SelectionMgr.SelectionInfo |
SetPrintAreaDialog |
SetUILanguage |
Settings |
Special |
A special describes a special additional object that isn't a control, and doesn't fit into the normal control heirarchy. Special objects are often shared among all the courses. |
SpecialColor |
SpecialColorChooser |
SpecialColorChooser.ColorAndText |
StartCourseObj |
StatusBarText |
SwopColorConverter |
Symbol |
Represents a graphical symbol that can be drawn into a text box. |
Symbol.SymbolStroke |
Represents one symbol stroke in a symbol. |
SymbolDB |
SymbolLanguage |
SymbolPopup |
Handles the popup menu that can display symbols and/or text boxes for changing the boxes in a description. |
SymbolPopup.HorizSeparator |
SymbolPopupEventArgs |
SymbolText |
TeamVariationsForm |
TeamVariationsForm.CalculateVariationsPressedEventArgs |
TeamVariationsForm.ExportFilePressedEventArgs |
TextCourseObj |
TextCourseObj.MySymdefKey |
TextMacros |
TextPart |
Textifier |
TitleDetailButton |
ToolStripTrackBar |
TopologyDragControlMode |
TopologyDropTargetCourseObj |
TopologyFormatter |
TopologyFormatter.ControlPosition |
TopologyFormatter.ForkPosition |
TopologyLegCourseObj |
UnusedControls |
UnusedControls.ListItem |
Updater |
Updater.CheckResults |
VariationChoices |
VariationCodeCourseObj |
VariationInfo |
VariationInfo.VariationPath |
VersionNumber |
WPFSwopColorConverter |
WaterCourseObj |
WhiteOutCourseObj |
XmlFileFormatException |
An exception indicating that an XML file format was bad. |
XmlInput |
A class to help with XML input. |