Имя |
Описание |
AddLayerHistoryItem |
AsyncEffectRenderer |
AsyncEffectRenderer.Settings |
AutoLevelEffect |
BaseBrushTool |
BaseEffect |
BaseHistoryItem |
BaseTool |
BinaryPixelOp |
BitVector2DSurfaceAdapter |
Adapts a Surface class so it can be used as a two dimensional boolean array. Elements are stored compactly, such that each pixel stores 32 boolean values. However, the usable width is the same as that of the adapted surface. (in other words, a surface that is 100 pixels wide can still only store 100 booleans per row) |
BlackAndWhiteEffect |
BrightnessContrastEffect |
BrightnessContrastEffect.BrightnessContrastData |
CairoExtensions |
ChromeManager |
ClippedSurfaceHistoryItem |
ColorBgra |
CompoundHistoryItem |
CurvesEffect |
DeleteLayerHistoryItem |
Document |
EdgeDetectData |
EdgeDetectEffect |
EditActions |
EffectData |
EllipseSelectTool |
EllipseTool |
EraserTool |
FileActions |
FinishPixelsHistoryItem |
FloodTool |
FragmentEffect |
FragmentEffect.FragmentData |
FreeformShapeTool |
GaussianBlurEffect |
GaussianBlurEffect.GaussianBlurData |
GdkExtensions |
GlowEffect |
GlowEffect.GlowData |
GtkExtensions |
HelpActions |
HistogramRgb |
Histogram is used to calculate a histogram for a surface (in a selection, if desired). This can then be used to retrieve percentile, average, peak, and distribution information. |
HistoryManager |
HueSaturationEffect |
HueSaturationEffect.HueSaturationData |
ImageActions |
InkSketchEffect |
InkSketchEffect.InkSketchData |
InvertColorsEffect |
InvertHistoryItem |
IrregularSurface |
LassoSelectTool |
Layer |
LayerActions |
LayerProperties |
LivePreviewManager |
LivePreviewManager.Renderer |
LocalHistogramEffect |
MoveSelectedTool |
MoveSelectionTool |
OilPaintingEffect |
OilPaintingEffect.OilPaintingData |
PaintBrushTool |
PaintBucketTool |
PencilSketchEffect |
PencilSketchEffect.PencilSketchData |
PencilTool |
PixelOp |
PosterizeData |
PosterizeEffect |
RadialBlurEffect |
RadialBlurEffect.RadialBlurData |
RecolorTool |
RectangleSelectTool |
RedEyeRemoveData |
RedEyeRemoveEffect |
ResizeHistoryItem |
RoundedRectangleTool |
SelectTool |
SelectionHistoryItem |
SepiaEffect |
ShapeTool |
SharpenData |
SharpenEffect |
SimpleHistoryItem |
SoftenPortraitData |
SoftenPortraitEffect |
SwapLayersHistoryItem |
SystemManager |
TextTool |
TextTool.Position |
ToolBarComboBox |
ToolBarLabel |
UnaryPixelOp |
UnaryPixelOps |
Provides a set of standard UnaryPixelOps. |
UnaryPixelOps.AverageChannels |
UnaryPixelOps.BlendConstant |
UnaryPixelOps.ChannelCurve |
UnaryPixelOps.Constant |
UnaryPixelOps.Desaturate |
UnaryPixelOps.HueSaturationLightness |
UnaryPixelOps.Identity |
UnaryPixelOps.Invert |
UnaryPixelOps.InvertWithAlpha |
UnaryPixelOps.Level |
UnaryPixelOps.LuminosityCurve |
UnaryPixelOps.PosterizePixel |
UnaryPixelOps.RedEyeRemove |
UnaryPixelOps.SetAlphaChannel |
UnaryPixelOps.SetAlphaChannelTo255 |
UnaryPixelOps.SetChannel |
UpdateLayerPropertiesHistoryItem |
UserBlendOps |
This class contains all the render ops that can be used by the user to configure a layer's blending mode. It also contains helper functions to aid in enumerating and using these blend ops. Credit for mathematical descriptions of many of the blend modes goes to a page on Pegtop Software's website called, "Blend Modes" http://www.pegtop.net/delphi/articles/blendmodes/ |
UserBlendOps.AdditiveBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.AdditiveBlendOp.AdditiveBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.ColorBurnBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.ColorBurnBlendOp.ColorBurnBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.ColorDodgeBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.ColorDodgeBlendOp.ColorDodgeBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.DarkenBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.DarkenBlendOp.DarkenBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.DifferenceBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.DifferenceBlendOp.DifferenceBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.GlowBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.GlowBlendOp.GlowBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.LightenBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.LightenBlendOp.LightenBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.MultiplyBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.MultiplyBlendOp.MultiplyBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.NegationBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.NegationBlendOp.NegationBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp.NormalBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.OverlayBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.OverlayBlendOp.OverlayBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.ReflectBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.ReflectBlendOp.ReflectBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.ScreenBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.ScreenBlendOp.ScreenBlendOpWithOpacity |
UserBlendOps.XorBlendOp |
UserBlendOps.XorBlendOp.XorBlendOpWithOpacity |
Utility |
ViewActions |
WorkspaceManager |
ZoomTool |