C# (CSharp) Persistence Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
KademliaKeyword Class used to represent a keyword inside Kademlia Network. A kademlia keyword has one or more tags associated.
KademliaRepository Class implementig a specialized repository that will be used by kademlia peer to store information need by the DHT. Kademlia repository use two distinct collection to implements the three tier representation of knowledge. The first collection contains keywords which are small enough to be exchanged frequently on the network; each keyword has a list of related tags. A tag is related to a keyword if this word is used in one or more of the following tag fields: title, author and album. There's a list of semanticless word that cannot be used as keyword. The second collection contains resources which are composed of complete tag information and a list of DHT elements (read Kademlia node references). This resources are necessary for the Transport Layer in order to identify the location of possible suppliers for a given track.
KademliaRepository.ExpireIteratorDesc Private class to store Expire method iteration information.
RepositoryFactory Classe Factory che si occupa della creazione dei Repository in modo da mascherare le classi specializzate. Le classi create per essere richiamate dalla Factory devono essere contenute nel namespace Persistence.RepositoryImpl e devono chiamarsi NomeTipoRepository e devono avere un attributo costante chiamato RepositoryType contenente una stringa che identifica il tipo del repository. Il tipo del repository viene usato dalla Factory per generarne un'istanza.
TrackModel Classe rappresentante il Modello per una traccia.
TrackModel.Track Track Database Type. This subtype is used when the object is loaded or stored in a repository.
TrackRepository Repository specialization used to store track file informations. This repository is used by the transport layer to get file path using the file hash as key.