C# (CSharp) PLC Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
CheckpointDeliverablesList This control is meant to hold a list of deliverables. It is simply a box with some specialized text pushbuttons in it.
ContentBrowser Summary description for WebForm.
DeliverableControl This control is meant to hold a list of deliverables. It is simply a box with some specialized text pushbuttons in it.
DeliverablesList This control is meant to hold a list of deliverables. It is simply a box with some specialized text pushbuttons in it.
FeatureDeliverabelsControl Summary description for Class1
GradientRectangle This graphic basically shows the phase title. It is clickable so that actions can occur once it is clicked on.
GradientTextBar This graphic basically shows the phase title. It is clickable so that actions can occur once it is clicked on.
GraphicImage Summary description for Class1
HardwareDataBinder This class will read a plc.xml file and turn it into a data model that can be used to build things. It basically provides something a little better than the plain old DOM interface.
HardwareLegend Summary description for HardwareLegend.
ITDataBinder This class will read a plc.xml file and turn it into a data model that can be used to build things. It basically provides something a little better than the plain old DOM interface.
ITLegend Summary description for HardwareLegend.
PLCBaseControl Summary description for Class1
PLCDeliverablesHeading This graphic basically shows the phase title. It is clickable so that actions can occur once it is clicked on.
PLCPhaseControl The PLCPhaseControl graphic is meant to represent an entire phase. It is really the base class to represent the various phase subclasses that may exist. This class knows how to draw itself as that big arrow with the fancy title at the top.
PLCStageBar Summary description for Class1
PLCView This view is meant to be a view that covers an entire window It doesn't do much more than exist the size of the window And has the opportunity to act as the containing view for a bunch of drawing.