C# (CSharp) PHP.Core Пространство имен


Имя Описание
ApplicationConfiguration.GlobalizationSection Configuration related to culture.
CompilerConfiguration Groups configuration related to the compiler. Includes ApplicationConfiguration.CompilerSection and ApplicationConfiguration.GlobalizationSection sections of global configuration record. Used for passing configuration for the purpose of compilation.
ConfigContextBase A base class for configuration contexts.
ConfigurationSectionHandler The configuration handler used by configuration system to parse the phpNet section of Machine.config and Web.config files.
ExternalStream Represents a native PHP stream that lives in ExtManager.
GlobalConfiguration.GlobalVariablesSection Global variables handling options.
LibrariesConfigurationList.AddLibraryInfo Information about library being load to be loaded lazily.
LibraryConfigStore Class that abstracts library configuration - in CLR it is wrapper over XmlAttributeCollection.
LibrarySection Represents a configuration section defined in a config file.
LocalConfiguration.AssertionSection Assertion options.
LocalConfiguration.FileSystemSection File system functions options.
LocalConfiguration.OutputControlSection Output control options.
LocalConfiguration.RequestControlSection Request control options.
LocalConfiguration.SessionSection Session management configuration independent of a particular session handler.
LocalConfiguration.VariablesSection Variables handling options.
PhpConfigurationContext Configuration context used when loading configuration from XML files.
PhpStream Abstraction of streaming behavior for PHP. PhpStreams are opened by StreamWrappers on a call to fopen().
SocketStream An implementation of PhpStream as an encapsulation of System.Net.Socket transports.