C# (CSharp) OpenStory.Cryptography Пространство имен


Имя Описание
AesTransform Represents a cryptographic transformer based on the AES algorithm.
CryptoTransformBase Encapsulates cryptographic transformation data and routines for the rolling packet encryption and decryption.
CustomCrypto Provides encryption and decryption static methods for the MapleStory custom data transformation.
EmsRollingIvFactoryProvider EMS implementation for IRollingIvFactoryProvider.
EndpointCrypto Represents a base class for cryptographic packet transformation.
HeartbeatCrypto Some kinda magic used to please the HackShield gods.
KmstDecryptor Represents a decryption transformer based on the custom KMST algorithm.
KmstEncryptor Represents an encryption transformer based on the custom KMST algorithm.
KmstRollingIvFactoryProvider KMST implementation for IRollingIvFactoryProvider.
LoginCrypto Provides methods for the legacy login password encryption.
RollingIv Represents an AES encryption transformer.
RollingIvFactory Represents a class used to create RollingIv instances.