Имя |
Описание |
AccessControlEntity |
A class that stores the components of ACE within a DACL. |
AccessRuleDlg |
AccessRuleListDlg |
Prompts the user to edit a ApplicationDescription. |
AccessRulesListCtrl |
AccountAccessRightsListCtrl |
AccountFilters |
Filters that can be used to restrict the set of accounts returned. |
AccountInfo |
Stores information about an account. |
AccountInfo.USER_INFO_1 |
AccountInfo.USER_INFO_1003 |
AccountInfo.USER_INFO_1008 |
ApplicationInstance |
A class that install, configures and runs a UA application. |
ApplicationInstance.ArgumentDescription |
Stores the description of an argument. |
ApplicationInstance.WindowsService |
Manages the interface between the UA server and the Windows SCM. |
ConfigUtils |
Utility functions used by COM applications. |
ConfigUtils.CRYPT_OID_INFO |
ConfigUtils.MULTI_QI |
ConfigUtils.NativeMethods |
CreateAuthorityDlg |
Prompts the user to specify a new access rule for a file. |
CreateCertificateDlg |
CreateSslBindingDlg |
Prompts the user to edit a ApplicationDescription. |
CreateSslCertificateDlg |
EditComServerDlg |
Prompts the user to specify a new access rule for a file. |
ExceptionDlg |
A dialog that displays an exception trace in an HTML page. |
FirewallAccessDlg |
HostEnumerator |
Enumerates the hosts available on the network. |
HostEnumerator.SERVER_INFO_100 |
HostEnumeratorEventArgs |
The arguments provided when a batch of hosts is discovered. |
HttpAccessRule |
HttpAccessRule.NativeMethods |
Declares the native methods used by the class. |
HttpAccessRule.SOCKADDR_IN |
HttpAccessRule.SOCKADDR_IN6 |
HttpAccessRule.sockaddr_in |
HttpAccessRulelListCtrl |
IApplicationMessageDlg |
InstalledApplication |
Specifies how to configure an application during installation. |
LocalSecurityPolicy |
Allows to add privileges to Local Security Policy. You can use this class to add the LogOn as service privilege to an account. |
LocalSecurityPolicy.LSA_UNICODE_STRING |
MainForm |
ManageAccessRulesDlg |
Prompts the user to edit a ApplicationDescription. |
ManageSslBindingsDlg |
ManagedApplication |
ManagedApplicationCtrl |
ManagedApplicationDlg |
Prompts the user to specify a new access rule for a file. |
NewEndpointDlg |
NewPortDlg |
PasswordDlg |
Prompts the user to edit a ApplicationDescription. |
Program |
PseudoComServer |
A class that describes a Pseudo COM server which |
SecuredObjectAccessRights |
The rights associated with an application that are granted to an account. |
SelectApplicationDlg |
SelectComServerDlg |
SelectComServerDlg.Item |
Service |
Represents a windows service |
ServiceManager |
Provides functionalities to manage Windows services such as Start/Stop service. |
SslCertificateBinding |
Stores the details of an SSL certification configuration binding. |
UserAddControl |
UserAddForm |
UserNameControl |
Manage a user name. |
UserNameCreator |
Creates UserName. |
UserNameListForm |
Manage users for form. |
UserPasswordChangeForm |
Change the password for form. |
UserPasswordControl |
WellKnownSids |
The well known NT security identifiers. |