C# (CSharp) NuxeoClient Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
Authorization Represents the Athorization credentials to be sent on every request to the nuxeo server.
Client A client that provides all the methods required to perform Automation operations and REST CRUD operations on an instance of the Nuxeo Server.
Client.ContentType Type of content of a requests.
Client.RequestType Type of requests that can be made to the server.
ClientErrorException The exception that is thrown when an instance of the Nuxeo server throws a client error, with status code between 400 and 499.
FailedHandshakeException The exception that is thrown when the handshake between the Nuxeo client and the server fails. The handshake is performed whenever a new batch is requested from the server.
FailedToUploadException The exception that is thrown when the uploader fails to upload a file to the Nuxeo server.
IOHelper Provides helper methods for IO operations.
Marshaller This object is responsible for the conversions between JSON objects received from the Nuxeo server and C# Nuxeo Objects.
MimeTypeMap Provides a huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types. Taken from GitHub.
Operation Represents a Nuxeo Automation Operation.
ServerErrorException The exception that is thrown when an instance of the Nuxeo server throws a server error, with status code between 500 and 599.
Uploader Provides a cass for uploading files to a Nuxeo server. Files can be uploaded as a whole or in several chunks.
UrlCombiner A simplete URL segment combiner.
WebProxy A simple class representing the WebProxy class, which is not yet implemented on the dotnet/corefx project.